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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 272

But Maria couldn't tell him the truth. "Just eat something when you feel like smoking,” she answered instead.

"Is that how you gained some weight?"

Maria blinked, taken aback by Ethan's off-handed remark. She wanted to kick him out of the room. Although she knew that she had indeed gained weight, the fact remained that no woman ever wanted to hear such a thing.

Realizing his error, Ethan rushed to undo his careless comment. "I didn't mean that you've become fat or anything. I mean, well, you are a little plumper, but I don't think that's a bad thing at all. I personally find you more attractive now."

She had given birth just a little over a month ago, and her figure had yet to recover. "You're such a sweettalker, Ethan," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I swear to God, it's not empty flattery. I'm just telling the truth." He had a serious expression.

Maria smiled. "I know."

"Well? Where have you been these months?" In truth, Ethan wasn't particularly interested about this, but he was raising the question for someone else's sake.

"I went on a trip. I ate and drank to my fill, slept and lazed around all day. That's how I gained all this weight, actually," Maria said helplessly.

"Wow, you must have had a grand time, you've been gone for nearly half a year! But how come you never got a tan?"

Once again, the desire to throw him out rose to the surface. Why couldn't he just stop asking his stupid questions? If he poked any more than this, he might arrive at the truth sooner or later. Maria took an exasperated breath and rolled her eyes again. "Because I can afford a thousand-dollar sunscreen with miraculous effects, as well as a trusty umbrella."

"I see. Will you be on another trip soon?"

"No, I'm tired. I've just returned and I want to just rest for a while." Being pregnant and giving birth were no joke after all. She needed her respite before dealing with her enemies.

They continued to chat leisurely, and the women sitting next to James started to squeeze themselves against his body. Still, his expression remained cold and indifferent.

The one of them asked out of the blue, "Mr. Xi, what's wrong with your arm?"

Her words gained most of the people's attention, Maria included, and they all turned toward the direction the woman was looking at. Maria could make out a faint bite mark on James' thick arm.

The mark did not look recent, either. It was clear that it had been there for quite some time.

The man huffed at his cigarette and glanced at the scar. "I used to have a cat," he replied casually. "She did that to me."

Mari almost gaped at him.

She was the one who had bitten him at the hospital.

Did he see her as nothing more than a cat he once had?

The party dwindled, and just before it was over, Maria got to her feet. She bid the others farewell and walked out of Leopard Club.

Before she could get inside her car, however, a familiar voice stopped her. "Maria Song? Stop right there!"

She swiveled to find Judy

striding angrily toward her.

Maria flashed her a mocking smile. "Oh. It's you, Mrs. Xi."

Judy had been looking for her for several months, but she never did find Maria. Now that she was right in front of her, there was no way she was letting the bitch go.

She drew close to Maria and demanded with a glare, "Were you the one who exposed my affair?"

Maria subtly rummaged through her purse and took hold of a recording pen. She pressed on the record button and pretended to take out a small packet of tissues, pulling out a sheet and wiping her lips with it. "Did you steal the three hundred million dollars that was supposed to be my alimony?"

"Yes, I did. So what? What can you do to me?" Judy's eyes were wide, her nostrils flared.

Maria's smile deepened. "I can't do anything to you, of course, Mrs. Xi." But someone else definitely could.

Judy snorted haughtily. "Aren’t you supposed to be in prison? How did you get out?"


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