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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 287

"Miss Zheng, if you don't answer me in three seconds, I'll chop off your little finger and feed it to a dog!" Maria snapped impatiently. "Three, two..."

"Alright, I'll tell you!" Joslyn looked at her with wide, frightened eyes and whispered the location.

Maria looked at the girl expressionlessly. Still pressing the dagger against her neck, she fished her phone out of her pocket. "Hi, Cooper. She's in a small hotel in the west of the city."


James, who had just stood up to leave, frowned at the mention of his brother's name.

He knew that Cooper was coming home, but he didn't know he was already here, let alone with Maria.

Maria pocketed her phone and gazed at Joslyn icily. "Because your father and I are on good terms, I won't chop off any fingers for now. But if anything happens to Sandra, I guarantee that not even your grandfather will be able to protect you from me."

Joslyn nodded without so much of a squeak. She was deathly afraid of this woman now, what with the cold dagger digging into her skin. Sure enough, it was just like Alina had said: Maria was indeed a lunatic.

Maria withdrew her dagger and, shooting Joslyn one more icy glance, walked out of the room. However, as soon as she stepped outside, a big hand grabbed her arm.

She didn't even need to look at the man, she could tell who it was just by his scent. "James Xi, I don't have time for this. I need to take care of something."

"Where is Cooper going?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Maria tried to free herself from his grasp, but to no avail. The man was too strong.

"Tell me. Now."

Maria rolled her eyes. "He went to some hotel to the west of the city to save Sandra."

"You asked Cooper to save her?”

"Not exactly, he asked me how he could help." The truth was, she didn't want Cooper involved.

But this was a matter of life and death for Sandra, and time was of the essence. It was better to get all the help available to her.

"Maria Song, if anything happens to Cooper, I'll skin you alive!" With a stone cold expression, James dragged Maria to his car. Together, they headed to the hotel.

The entire ride, Maria kept silent. She had heard before that James cared for his brother deeply. And it turned out it was true.

Meanwhile, Cooper had already reached the small hotel in the west of H City. The hotel was so dingy, he figured it didn't even make it to a one-star ranking.

But the priority now was to rescue Sandra.

Clenching his fists, he strode into the hotel.

At the reception counter, an expressionless woman shot him an indifferent glance.

Shortly after, Cooper found the room where they were keeping Sandra. The room wasn't soundproof, he could hear muffled sounds from within. Without hesitating any further, he kicked the door open.

The room was roughly ten square meters big. A girl with tape on her mouth was tied to a bed. Two men had been ripping her clothes off when Cooper burst in.

The girl's eyes landed on him. She looked extremely scared, which made Cooper's heart ache.

He didn't waste any time. He rushed in and grabbed one of the men on top of her and threw him against the wall.

Cooper was about twenty years old. While his features were chiseled to perfection, he knew how to throw a punch, albeit elegantly.

Sandra was sure she had never seen this man before. Realizing that he was here to save her, she burst into tears.

In her eyes, he was a god who had come to her rescue at her most vulnerable point.

Fortunately, the two thugs were terribly fighters. It didn't take long before they were both knocked out cold by Cooper.

When Cooper saw that there was no one else after them, he carefully untied Sandra and gently removed the tape over her mouth.

The whole time, Sandra couldn't tear her eyes off him.


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