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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 337

"No," the female employee said, shaking her head and wiping her tears. "Here's the thing, Ms. Song. I've been following up a project of HM Group for about two months now. They already agreed to hand it over to us, and we're so close to sealing the deal. However, I got a call from them just now saying that... they don't need us onboard anymore."

After working hard on the project for two months, she had been about to happily sign the contract, only to be told without warning that the project had been handed over to another company instead. "We did preparatory work on it for three months, and I followed up on it for two months after that..." All in all, she had spent almost half a year on this project, so she couldn't reconcile herself to the fact that it had been given to another company.

As soon as Maria heard the mention of HM Group, she understood what was going on.

"It doesn't matter. This is not your fault. There are a lot more opportunities out there, and the next one will be better. Don't give up!" she said in a firm but comforting tone.

She already knew what project this employee was referring to, and although it was a sizeable project for them to take on, it was just a small project for HM Group. Colby wouldn't be so idle as to keep an eye on it, so it had to be Rosa who was behind this.

'How dare she lay her hands on my business?' she thought irritably.

Still unconvinced, the female employee said in a hurry, "Ms. Song, I've worked really hard on it and followed it up-"

Maria nodded. "I know. I'll explain the situation to your manager later. From now on, you'll be responsible for the mall project with Song Group."

"Okay, thank you, Ms. Song," she replied gratefully.

"Okay, get back to work!" Maria said. The employee nodded and quickly left the fire escape staircase.

Now that the two of them were alone, Peggy finally looked at Maria and asked, "Maria, do you know what happened?"

"Yes. From now on, HM Group will not cooperate with us anymore. What's worse, they will deal with us," Maria replied. It was not a big deal though, since HL Group began to cooperate with DS Group. Two days ago, James had even given them a big order.

Furrowing her brows in confusion, Peggy asked, "Why? Doesn't Colby trust you anymore?"

"That's one of the reasons. The other reason is his wife." As the general manager of HM Group, Rosa held a lot of power.

"Did Colby's wife misunderstand the relationship between you and him?"

"Yes." Maria didn't elaborate further, because her mind was racing with possible ways to fight back.

It turned out that she had been too slow to make a move this time, so Rosa had seized the opportunity and struck first.

The best way to deal with the problem was to face it head-on and fight back in the same way!

Maria took out her cell phone and dialed a number. As soon as the call was answered, she ordered, "Go and find out which project Rosa Qiao has been working on recently and what the progress is." "Yes, Ms. Song."

Later that afternoon, she received the report of the information that she had asked for.

After glancing through it, she called James. It rang a couple of times before the call was finally answered— not by James, but by Summer. "Hello, Maria. Mr. Xi is in a meeting right now. What's up?" she asked in a low voice.

The meeting had to be a very important one if James didn't want to pause it to answer the phone. At the same time, it was obvious that he didn't want to miss Maria's call, either, because he had asked Summer to answer it for him.

"Well, there's something I need his help with, but there's no hurry. Let the meeting finish. Ask him to call me back when he's free," Maria replied. She didn't want to rush into anything in a hurry, and this matter had to be dealt with in a calm and patient way.

"Okay. The meeting is supposed to end in an hour. I'll tell Mr. Xi later," said Summer.

"All right, then. Carry on."


Summer quietly returned to the meeting room and set the phone down on the table beside James, who was busy talking to several distinguished guests.

James glanced at the phone out of the corner of his eye before continuing with his work.

Two hours later, Maria received a call from James. Picking it up, she asked, "Is the meeting over?"

"Yes. I’m on the way back to the company now," he replied, pinching the space between his eyebrows.

"Okay. Well, it's nothing too important. I just want to ask you for a favor," Maria said tentatively. Every time she called him, she would ask him to do her a favor.


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