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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 344

A maid approached the crib nervously under Norman's watchful eyes. Overly conscious of his gaze, she accidentally lost her grip on the baby, and Bob slid out of her hands and landed on his butt on the crib with a soft thump.

Fortunately, he seemed fine. It was a shallow fall, anyway.

Despite the baby not making a fuss, Norman still witnessed what had happened. He recalled what Maria had said about wanting a reliable maid to look after the child.

His eyes narrowed before he said coldly, "Take your salary and leave."

The truth was, Bob was barely hurt. He seemed perfectly fine, staring up at them with his curious eyes.

While Norman wanted to make trouble for James, he wasn't insane enough to put the baby's safety at risk.

The maid's eyes widened in panic. "Mr. Shen, please forgive me! I didn't mean to drop him!" She couldn't bear to lose this job. After all, it paid much better than her previous one.

"Don't let me repeat myself." His lips were set at a thin line.

Soon another maid approached silently. She carefully picked up the little boy in the crib and took him aside.

Minutes later, the maid who had the misfortune of dropping Bob left the villa in tears, her things in tow.

That night, while Maria was in the middle of a dinner party, James called her. Apparently, he was about to meet some distinguished guests, and wished that she would join him. Without the slightest hesitation, she left the dinner party and rushed to James.

If James said he was going to meet some distinguished guests, it meant they were too important to miss.

When she arrived at the restaurant, she found a few people seated in the private lounge already. All of them looked foreign, except James.

Maria's body went slightly stiff. Her English wasn't great, and she knew this.

When he saw her come in, James stood up and strode over to her. He took her hand in his and pulled her to the table affectionately.

"This is Maria, my girlfriend. This is Mr. Alfa, the world's number one dessert master. Mr. Smith and Mr. Pitt here are the top two coffee masters in the world."

They all stood up to greet her, shaking hands with Maria warmly.

Since James was fluent in English, talking to them was a breeze for him. Maria, on the other hand, couldn't understand a thing they were talking about. "Slow down, my English isn't good!" she whispered.

He smiled at her meaningfully and made her sit closer to him. "Don't worry, I'll do the talking. Why not eat something first?"

Then he turned around and continued talking with the top culinary masters. Occasionally, they would glance at her and nod politely.

Maria was not in the mood to eat anything. Instead, she trained her ears on their conversation, despite not being able to grasp what they were saying.

Later, James explained to her what they had discussed. Apparently, he had invited these world-renowned masters to her coffee shop.

Maria's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I just wanted to hold a simple event! How could you invite such important people? Don't you think that's a little too much?"

Despite her complaints, he just smiled at her lovingly and winked.

On the day of the event, Maria found that it wasn't only the three distinguished guests who had shown up at her coffee shop.

In addition to some TV stations, news media reporters, there were also some renowned ingredients suppliers specializing in coffee and desserts present.

All of these ingredients were imported from all over the world, and only the best were selected for her shop.

The truth was, the entire event was sponsored solely by HL Group. Undoubtedly, it was all for Maria.

The coffee shop was brimming with people. At some point, Maria was so tired she could barely breathe, yet she kept a bright smile plastered on her face. After all, two huge cameras had been trained on her. She was forced to wear a professional smile, looking elegant yet dignified.

Finally, it came to the grand finale of the entire event: the auction of a luxurious cake made by eight chefs under the lead of the dessert master, Mr. Alfa. The huge cake sat on a delicate tray of pure gold, emphasizing its beauty.

The starting bid price of the cake was five hundred thousand dollars.


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