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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 355

Maria quickly dialed a number. "Quick, I need to find out where Peggy is. Hurry!"

Then she tried to call James again, but he never answered.

Maria walked quickly toward the security office of the gated community while trying to reach James at the same time.

She asked to be shown the surveillance footage of Peggy's apartment, but the staff refused her politely.

She tried calling up Norman as she hovered by the security office's door, but he was similarly out of reach. Things were starting to look too dire.

Angry and upset, Maria bit her bottom lip hard. At this point, she could do nothing but wait and worry.

Just as she was about to lose her patience, her phone rang. "Hey, sorry about your missed calls. I was in a meeting," James apologized.

He was usually unreachable via phone because he was always busy. Before he could say anything further, Maria interrupted him, "It doesn't matter. I need to check the surveillance footage near Peggy's apartment. Please help me."

"Which neighborhood?"

"Sunny Community."

"Got it." With that, he hung up the phone.

She didn't have to wait long. Within two minutes, the staff in the monitoring room received a call. After the call ended, he rushed out and asked her, "Are you Ms. Song?"


"Please come in. I was just on the phone with my supervisor."

"Okay, thank you!"

Maria quickly scanned through the surveillance videos of the area where Peggy lived. To her surprise, she saw two men carrying a sack out of her door. Other screens showed them getting in a car and driving away toward the east.

There was no doubt in her mind that Peggy was in that sack. With trembling hands, Maria immediately called the police and asked them to continue searching for Peggy.

The entire HM Group took a massive hit with Colby's scandal. In particular, the company's stock price plummeted.

Colby had spent millions on paying off the media to sweep his scandal under the rug, but the tactic proved futile. As it turned out, someone was even more determined to reveal the truth and paid a higher amount. At the moment, the Internet was full of heated discussions about it.

Meanwhile, Rosa seethed as she stared wordlessly at the intractable man in front of her.

Her disgust for him knew no bounds.

Her husband actually slept with a bald ex-convict! 'Is this some kind of sick fetish?' she wondered, feeling sick to her stomach.

Although Colby tirelessly explained to her that the woman drugged him, she couldn't help feeling repulsed by the whole incident.

The stock price of HM Group had dropped, but Colby simply wouldn't give up. He had someone contact Maria and pass along the message. "Tell her that I have Peggy at hand. Remove the news, and I will let her go immediately."

When she received the threatening call, Maria calmed herself down and agreed to the man's request.

The news had already spread. Even if they managed to take down the headlines and hot topics, everyone would have already known about the matter.

Soon after, Colby's scandal seemed to have vanished into thin air. He no longer saw himself on the Internet anymore.

His temper flaring out of control, he growled through gritted teeth, "It must be Maria! The bitch set me up!"

Rosa sneered at him, "How could you not have foreseen this happening while you were having fun with that slut?"

"I wasn't having fun!" Colby shouted at the top of his lungs. "Nothing happened between me and that woman!" Just then, he realized how diabolical Maria was. She had him at the palm of her hand and played him without getting hurt.

Rosa doubted this but saw no reason for him to lie under the circumstances. She mocked him coldly, "But Joslyn told me that you took her home!"


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