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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 357

When the maid caught sight of Maria, she lowered her head to hide her eyes. "Ms. Song, you are here."

"Bob! Bob!" Maria immediately drew the baby into her arms and clung to him tightly.

Bob's was sound asleep. He looked normal and healthy.

The maid comforted her, "Ms. Song, please don't worry too much. The doctor said that as long as a suitable bone marrow donor is found, Bob can be cured."

"Bone marrow?"

The maid nodded. "Yes. Immediate family members have a greater chance of having a more closely matching bone marrow compared with those who aren't related to Bob by blood. Do you know what his father's blood type is? If he happens to have the same RH negative blood, then our problem will be solved." The maid deliberately steered the conversation to Bob's father.

However, Maria was in no condition to wonder about James' blood type. With tears in her eyes, she wailed, "Why does Bob have this kind of disease? My poor son..."

The maid said nothing.

Maria asked with desperation in her voice, "The doctor did say that it can be cured? As long as an immediate family member can give the child matching bone marrow?" "Yes." The answer filled Maria with relief. It was fortunate that there was a cure to Bob's condition.

The situation absolutely shattered Maria's composure that she no longer had the energy to consider how rational the entire thing was.

Her mind was empty of everything except for Bob and his sickness.

The maid added, "Ms. Song, the earlier the treatment starts, the less Bob will suffer."

"I see.” Maria handed the baby to the maid and then took out her phone to call James.

The call immediately came through. "Maria, what's up?"

She didn't know that James had been waiting for her call for a long time.

His voice made her hesitate. How could she start to explain the situation to James and, more importantly, tell him that Bob was actually his son?

However, she needed to tell him the truth right now for Bob's sake.

"I have something important to tell you."


"Can you come here?" If James saw Bob, it might be easier for her to explain things.

"Where are you?"

Maria told him the location of Norman's villa.

After half an hour, James showed up in the villa.

One brow lifted when he laid eyes on the baby in her

arms. "Bob."

"Yes." Maria handed him the baby, who had woken up just then. "Hold him."

James carefully took the baby from her. When he saw the tight, haggard expression on her pale face, regret suddenly tugged at his heart.

"Bob is sick."


"He's seriously ill."

"I see."

Maria was angered. "Why don't you ask me what's wrong with Bob?"

"I know."

"How?" Maria was still in a daze.

"Because the child is not sick at all."

Maria took a deep breath to steady herself. "I'm not kidding. Bob is really sick. He has leukemia. The doctor said that he needs your bone marrow because you both have the same blood type—Rh negative."

"Why do we have the same blood type?"

"Because he is your—"

Her ring tone interrupted her before she could finish her confession. Norman's name flashed on the screen. She took the call in front of James. "Hello?"

"Don't be fooled,"

Norman blurted out.


"The maid works for James." Norman already knew that. He was just biding his time while waiting for James to act.

By reflex, Maria threw a glance at the maid, but she had already left the living room. "So?"


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