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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 362

The woman Norman had brought here was Mildred Shi. She was quite innocent, and he behaved very civilly. This was the first time he treated a girl this well.

Over the next few days, Maria continued living her life to the full, lounging by the beach and eating various seafood. She gradually calmed down, and was no longer mad at James.

She didn't leave simply because she got addicted to this way of life.

Later that night, Maria went on a leisurely stroll. She followed the sound of classical music wafting over from the distance, her flip flops slapping softly against the cobblestones.

As she walked alongside the shoreline for a few minutes, she finally caught the source of the music —there was a casual bear party by the sea.

There were many young men and women at the party. Maria joined the party and drank a beer, flirting with one of the young men there. "I want a boyfriend, but nothing long term.¹' The young man was really handsome. He had nicely chiseled features and a gorgeous tan from living on the island for so long.

''Maria Song, how dare you?" A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind her, startling her so abruptly she almost dropped her beer.

Turning around, she was greeted by James' livid face.

"What're you doing here?" she asked incredulously.

'When did he get here?

And why is he here?' James' expression darkened. His suspicions were just confirmed: he caught Maria in the act. She was enjoying herself a bit too much here.

He tore his cold gaze away from her and planted it on the young man next to her. The man immediately realized what was going on. Frightened, he ran away like a scared rabbit. 'Oh my God! This man is so scary!' he thought.

"Hey!" Maria wanted to say something more to the man, but before she could do so, he had already disappeared.

She turned around and whined angrily, "You scared off my date!"

'Date?' James sneered. "Before you think about dating someone, why not think about your son who needs to be cared for? You're his mother. Think about the example you're setting for your child!"

Maria stammered, "Well...I..." 'I didn't know you had a sense of morals.'

"Bob isn't here," she said, rolling her eyes.

He seemed to not want to argue with her any further. He just sat down and eyed the barbequed food on the table. "Are you going to eat this?" he asked with a frown.

"Of course." Maria picked up a skewer of roasted fish and held it in front of him. "Try this."

"No, thanks." He shook his head firmly.

"Suit yourself," she said with a shrug. She then took a bite of the skewer herself, relishing the tender freshness of the fish.

James watched in silence as she enjoyed her food. Finally, he said in a soft voice, "Come back with me."

"I'm not done having fun here," she replied nonchalantly. Then, she tore off another chunk of fish with her teeth and chewed it thoughtfully.

To her surprise, he didn't get angry. He just cocked his head at her curiously and asked, "Haven't you had more than enough fun?"

"No, I haven't." There was so much more she wanted to try. There was no way she was going to leave with him.

"Okay." James yanked the beer out of her hand and raised it to his lips. After taking a mouthful, he said, "Then I'll stay with you. I can't let you have all the fun!"

Maria's jaw dropped in shock. What was this man talking about?

Then, the image of Bob all alone in the manor flashed through her mind and she instantly felt guilty. Wasn't it unfair to the child if both of his parents were not at home?

As though he read her mind, James finished off the rest of the beer and said, "The baby is with my grandparents. Dad is there, too." Sebastian knew about Bob; after all, he was the child's grandfather.

Maria put down the fish skewer. Grimly, she grabbed a napkin and gently dabbed at her lips. "James," she said in a serious tone.

"Yes?" "I need to talk to you about something."


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