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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 373

"Yes," said Alina, gritting her teeth and asserting that it was Maria who bumped into her on purpose.

"You still don't know how to repent even after what happened," James commented coldly. "If you don't apologize to Maria in public, I will destroy Tang Group. Don't forget that I brought the company to glory. I can just as easily tear it down."

Alina forgot how powerful this man was in H City.

Her deathly pale face fell in discouragement. Parting her bloodless lips, she asked in a soft voice, "James, can you answer me a question? Did you ever love me?"

"I never loved you. Not even for a second." There was only one woman in the world whom he loved, and that was Maria.

Alina choked on her sobs upon hearing his answer.

"I don't have time to waste on you anymore. As long as you apologize to Maria, I will let you go. You will have nothing to do with me from now on. If you insist on going against me, guess how long Tang Group can exist in H City."

Alina smiled amidst her tears. "James, you are so cruel!" James was reputed to be decisive and cruel in business. She had never been on the receiving end of his viciousness before, but she believed it this time.

He still didn't show her any mercy even though she had just lost her baby and her uterus. On the contrary, he even threatened to destroy the whole Tang Group.

She also knew that if she dared to disagree with him even at the expense of Tang Group, he would have countless ways to compel her to agree.

His eyes sharp and cold, James said emotionlessly, "I'm not Maria, who's always been softhearted toward you. Since you dared to provoke me, you should be prepared to suffer a life worse than death!"

The moment Alina agreed to his requirements, Summer pushed the door to the ward open, letting two men come in.

The immediately pointed their cameras on the woman lying in the hospital bed.

James walked away from the slight commotion and stood silently by the window.

One of the reporters sat on the edge of the bed. After the camera was adjusted, he introduced himself, "Hello, Ms. Tang. I'm a reporter from the H City Daily. I want to interview you about what happened that day."

Suffering under great pressure, Alina said to the camera, "What happened that day was an accident. Maria had nothing to do with it. There was something wrong with my car's brake. Maria just happened to pass by the accident. I know that she has been hurt a lot about all this, and I'd like to apologize to her."

The reporter asked another question. "Reports have mentioned that the child in your womb was Mr. Xi's. What do you have to say about that?"

A bitter smile appeared on her lips. "The baby was not his. The child's father was... my ex-boyfriend, with whom I have already parted ways. I want to say sorry to Mr. Xi for the adverse effect this rumor must have caused his reputation."

Soon, the interview came to an end. It was clear that the interview was exclusively prepared to clear

Maria's name.

James walked out of the ward first, followed by the reporters.

Summer stood by the side and didn't move. When there were only two women left in the ward, two bodyguards came in soon.

Looking at Summer, Alina had a bad feeling. "What else does James want?"

Summer walked over to her calmly. "Ms. Tang, this has nothing to do with Mr. Xi. This is my own idea. You ordered a servant to feed Maria poison to make her dumb. Today, I just want you to know..."

Her voice trailed off, and an odd smile appeared on her face.

Alina widened her eyes in fear.

Summer's last words rang in her ear. "Good for good and evil for evil. Your retribution comes today!"


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