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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 397

Envy filled Maria at the sight. Since when had these two got along so well with each other? 'Is it because I've been too busy to take care of my own child?' she wondered to herself, feeling her heart ache.

However, James didn't hug Bob. Instead, he picked up a pistachio and asked him, "Will you eat this again?"

Bob only stared at the pistachio and did not speak.

James could see that the child was not convinced, so he set aside the pistachio and swatted his son's buttocks for the third time.

The baby's cries almost broke Maria's eardrums, but she couldn't interrupt the conversation between father and son at that moment. She could only watch her son and feel sorry for him.

"Boston Xi, if you keep crying, I will throw you out!" James scolded harshly, his face turning thunderous.

His father called him by his full name, so Bob knew that he was furious. After sniffling for a few more moments, he shook his head and quietened down.

Maria watched this exchange in confusion. What kind of communication was this? Threats and intimidation?

Just then, James stooped down to take Bob into his arms, patting and coaxing him. "From now on, you're a man, so you can't cry like that anymore."

Maria rolled her eyes. Her son wasn't even a year old yet. How could he be a man?

A burp escaped Bob amid his sobs. After a while, he looked over his father's shoulder to Maria and stretched out his hands for her to hold him.

"Baby, you finally remember me!" Feeling a little out of her depth, Maria took her son into her arms.

Bob rested his little head on her shoulder and kept stealing glances at James every once in a while.

"Why are you peeking at me?" James asked with a slight frown.

Maria said, "What's wrong with you? Will it cost you anything to have your own son look at you?"

"I mean, if he wants to look at me, he can do so openly." Why was his son peering at him so sneakily?

Maria snorted. "Do you think he would dare look at you openly?"

"He dared ask me to hold him, so why wouldn't he look straight at me?"

In the next moment, Bob stood up and stretched out his hands toward James. "Daddy, hug!"

Maria's jaw dropped. He had been in her arms for only two minutes. Why did he want his father to hold him again?

James took his son back into his arms.

To their surprise, Bob kept changing back and forth between "Daddy, hug!" and "Mommy, hug!"

The next time James was holding the child, he suddenly wrapped his arms around his father's neck, and his cute little face drew closer to his.

James thought nothing of it and assumed that his son just wanted to kiss him.

Bob did manage to kiss him. However, he took it one step further, moving toward James' mouth and biting him hard.

Her eyes wide with stunned horror, Maria quickly said, "Baby, you can't bite your daddy like that!"

However, the baby remained blissfully unaware and continued to clamp his little teeth on his father's lip.

James tried pinching his little face gently, but Bob was like a dog with a bone.

Maria had to pull him back by force, which managed to make Bob loosen his teeth.

However, it was too late. The skin on James' lip tore under the baby's small teeth. He still didn't have all of his teeth, but James didn't expect them to be so sharp.

The man glared at the innocent little boy. "You're such a little baby. How dare you play tricks on me?"

It must have been Bob's revenge for what James had just done to him. He didn't have to wait for years to strike back; once James had dropped his guard, his son bit him hard and then hid in his mother's arms, the very picture of angelic innocence. Really, his son is too cunning for his age!

Maria couldn't help but laugh as she saw blood beading over the small marks. "You think too highly of the child."

Was he really overthinking things? He didn't think so.

Balancing Bob over her hip with one hand, Maria reached out with the other to give him a piece of tissue. "Wipe the blood from your mouth."


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