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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 427

Since he couldn't shake Ethan off, James delivered a hard kick to the man's shin. Ethan stopped pestering him after that.

He dusted off his pant leg and commented, "No, I would never dare. Maria, I'll have to rely on you to put in a good word for me to James." He could only get a generous living allowance in this manner.

Burning with curiosity, Meagan couldn't help but ask Lawrence in a whisper, "Were they an item?"

With an eyebrow arched sardonically, Lawrence glanced at the two men and nodded. "Yep."

Meagan's jaw dropped. "Poor Maria!" 'As it turns out, James is a bisexual.'

James' hearing was quite sharp. Lawrence caught his cold glare and set the record straight. "I was just kidding," he told Meagan as he ruffled her hair affectionately.

Meagan could only give him a disgusted glare.

She didn't mind that he told such a crass joke, but did he really have to ruin her hair? It was not easy for her to braid it in the first place.

James had several rooms arranged forthem, and the bodyguards gave the card keys to Maria, who distributed them.

When it was Norman's turn, she gave him only one card key and apologized to him and Mildred. "I'm sorry, there's only one room left. I'm afraid that you two have to make do with it."

Unexpectedly, James said, 'TH call their manager." He took out his phone to place a call.

Maria stared at his back, exasperated. She was only creating an opportunity for Norman, and he had to ruin it. She hurriedly snatched the phone from his hand and shot him a feral glare without Mildred seeing her. "Don't bother. I've already asked them. There is only one room left, while the rest of the rooms have already been reserved."

"I'll ask the manager to spare another room." James knew exactly what was going on-he just didn't want Norman to be happy.

Maria sneered at him and whispered, "Since you can ask them to spare a room, better make it two. Go to sleep in that other room, while Bob and I will sleep here."

James stared at Maria.

Mildred didn't hear anything that the two were discussing. She was too nervous about staying in the same room as Norman.

Maria gave the other woman an apologetic smile. "Mildred, James just checked with the manager. True enough, they said that there were no other rooms left. Please bear with Norman just for tonight. This way, you can also take better care of him. James, what did the manager say?"

Reluctantly, the man went along with Maria's scheme. "All the rooms have been reserved."

Norman was seated calmly by the sidelines. However, if one looked closely, they would find a smile lingering in his eyes. Sure enough, he didn't misjudge Maria. He was right to come to her rescue in the first place.

Her face red with embarrassment, Mildred asked, "Norman, can you ask someone to bring me back


She was afraid of staying with Norman in the same room.

Norman glanced at Maria, who immediately understood what he meant. "Mildred, it's not easy for us to get together like this. Please, bear with it for just one night. If you leave, Norman will be left alone with no one to take care of him." 'Really, is it okay to deceive a young girl like this?' she wondered.

Meagan didn't understand their conversation. After all, it was the first time she had met Mildred, and she had no idea what her relationship with Norman was.

Guessing that the other woman's hesitation meant that she did not want to stay with Norman, she thoughtfully offered, "How about this? I'll stay with Mildred, while Lawrence can stay with Mr. Shen in the same room."

"No way!"

"I don't agree!" Norman and Lawrence voiced out their objections at the same time.

Maria wanted to laugh but held back, fearing that she would give away the secret.

"Meagan, don't forget—I still have an important task," Lawrence reminded her with a long face. How could she be so generous as to let her husband stay with another man?

"I didn't forget. It's just for one night, though..." Meagan was embarrassed by the discussion. After all, she knew that he meant trying for a baby. Why was he so anxious about it? He was stressing her out!

Afraid that someone else would come up with another bad idea, Norman looked at Mildred and said, "I'll sleep on the floor. You can take the bed."

Mildred stared at him, aghast. How was that possible? He was her boss. She couldn't possibly let him sleep on the floor.


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