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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 434

James glanced at his watch—it was already midnight. In a calm, methodical fashion, he explained, "I called you at around eight o'clock, and then I left at about twenty past eight to go to Leopard Club. I got stuck in a traffic jam for ten minutes, and it was around nine in the evening when I arrived at the club. I drank more than four bottles of alcohol at a rate of about fifteen minutes to a bottle, which took a little more than an hour, and then Ethan came into the private room. Do you really think I had the chance to play with another woman?"

Upon hearing his explanation, Maria began to doubt whether he really was drunk. 'How could he remember down to the last detail?' Unconvinced, she asked, "There's a lipstick mark on your shirt, and you were alone in that private room for an hour. That's plenty of time for something to happen."

"You can check with the club's surveillance footage about the lipstick mark. While inside, I talked with Cooper on the phone for half an hour. You can check my call records if you want. Technically, I stayed unaccompanied in the room for only half an hour. Don't you know me by now? Half an hour is not nearly enough time for me."

Maria rolled her eyes. Of course she knew that half an hour for this man was just for foreplay. She cleared her throat. "Maybe you did something in the car..."

James answered patiently, "Gary drove me to the club. When I came back, Ethan was with me, as well. Do you still think the car rides were enough time, or that I would attempt to do something with another woman with my subordinate and my good friend


Maria couldn't fault his logic.

The man rolled over and pinned her under his body. "Now, it's my turn to prove that you are the only woman in my arms and in my heart."

After saying that, he swooped down his head to capture her lush red lips with his.

He wanted to prove himself by doing more.

Ethan was so rudely awakened in the middle of the night by a slap. He opened his sleepy eyes and dazedly looked at the little boy sitting next to him. He muttered in a hoarse voice, "Bob, you should be asleep!"

Bob said in a plaintive voice, "Mom!" Obviously, the kid wanted to be with his mother.

Ethan pulled him into his arms and murmured soothingly, "Your mom and your dad are making a brother for you, so we can't disturb them, okay? Good boy."

Bob quieted down and said after some thought, "Sister."

"Okay, okay. Your parents are making a sister for you. Let's go to sleep!" Ethan reassured him. Anyway, he wasn't the one making a baby, and it was all up to the kid's parents. James could make whatever Bob wanted.

The sleepy man didn't know whether the little guy understood him or not, but Bob had finally stopped fussing. After a while, Ethan closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Early morning on the next day, someone knocked on the bedroom door while Maria was still sleeping.

James, who had just gotten up to go to the bathroom, opened the door.

A diaper-clad little boy stood just outside the door. He raised his head to look at James and flashed him a gap-toothed smile. "Daddy, hungry!"

James helplessly squatted down in front of the child. "Where is your uncle Ethan?"

Bob closed his eyes and tilted his head.

His imitation of Ethan's sleeping face was so uncanny that James couldn't help laughing.

Just then, an anxious voice called out, "Bob, Bob, where are you?"

James scooped up his son into his arms, stepped out of the bedroom, and closed the door.

Catching a glimpse of father and son, the wide-eyed, messy-haired Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. "I was scared to death! How could this kid open the door and run away by himself?"

James nodded. Bob already knew how to open the door by moving a chair and stepping on it to reach the knob.

"It's just six o'clock. Why did he get up so early?" Ethan yawned. "My work here is done, right? I'm going back to sleep." "Okay."

With Bob in his arms, James noiselessly went back into the bedroom. After changing the child's diaper, he plopped him on the bed beside his sleeping mother and went to prepare his formula milk.

Bob crawled toward Maria and pressed kisses on her face, giggling all the while.

The kisses woke Maria up. Seeing her son's face up close, she smiled and cuddled him in her arms, closing her eyes and continuing to sleep.

After around ten minutes, Bob had finished the bottle of formula milk, and James pulled him out of the circle of Maria's arms to change his clothes. Then, he carried him out of the room and declared, "Bob, let's go to the gym!"

Bob clapped his hands, appearing to be perfectly delighted by his father's invitation.


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