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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 448

Clad in a simple black dress and high heels, Maria stepped into the house. She was followed by two bodyguards.

Once she was inside, she noticed there weren't just members of the Song family, but also Alina, Ronald and the illegitimate child of Chandler.

As Maria made her entry, everyone present fixated their eyes on her.

The only reason Elaine was qualified to be here today was because she was the mother of Chandler's children.

Maria hadn't seen Daniela for a long time. Chandler had recently picked her up from their hometown. As her eyes ran over her, she realized there were a lot of changes in Daniela.

Maria mingled with the crowd, exchanging greetings. In a few minutes, she found a seat and sat down.

The lawyer cleared his throat and began to announce Gordon's will.

The expression on Elaine face changed when she heard she was only given one house. Daniela was given some funds that were worth millions of dollars. Carolina, on the other hand, was given real estates that were also worth millions of dollars. It was Maria's part that shocked her the most. Maria was given twenty-five percent of the shares of Song Group and a bank card. Elaine could no longer remain silent. She had to voice her frustration.

Standing up, she spat out, "Was the old man out of his mind? Doesn't he remember who took care of him while he was still alive? Maria had been absent from the Song family for ten years. In spite of everything, she gets so many shares. How is this fair? I don't care about the fact he has only left me a house. But Daniela surely deserves more than some funds!"

Chandler was livid as he heard these accusations. Trying to contain his rage, he explained, "Elaine, don't forget that we have divorced. You have nothing to do with the Song family now. Be thankful that my father was kind enough to leave you a house!"

At this, Elaine stared at him with wide eyes. After a few seconds, she said, "All right, let's forget what he left for me! But what about Daniela? Why has he given her some valueless funds? Isn't he being too partial?"

Daniela, too, felt she had been wrong. Yet she hadn't uttered a word. She silently began to shed some tears.

Watching the scene that was taking place, Ronald chimed in abruptly, "Aunt Elaine, I think it's a good thing that Daniela has been given some funds. My sister and I have only got hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you think of it, we get less money than a child gets." He wanted to say "illegitimate" child, but when he remembered Chandler's presence, he bit his tongue and reframed his sentence.

Gordon had left behind two houses as well as five percent shares of the company to the illegitimate son of Chandler and his mistress.

Elaine paid no need to what Ronald had said. She turned to the lawyer and said, "Did Maria pay you to do this? Have you tampered with the will?"

Chandler pounded his hands on the table.

"Enough is enough! If you don't want the house, it's okay. You are free to get the hell out of here!"

"Dad!" Seeing how bad things had gotten, Carolina decided to intervene. She stood up, looked at her mother and said, "Mom, stop this. You'd better leave."

"Stop what? Carolina, you have given Song Group so much! You worked hard for it. But in the end, Maria gets twenty-five percent of the shares! Why would you allow someone else to snatch something you have worked so hard on?"

In a flat tone, Carolina explained, "Mom, if it weren't for the loan given by HL Group in the past, Song Group would have gone bankrupt. If that had happened, even if Grandpa gave me one hundred percent of shares, I would still be in debt. Grandpa is a sensible man. He probably has a good reason for his arrangement. Don't make a fuss about everything. If you are ever in need of money, I am there to give you. But please let Grandpa rest in peace!"

"Carolina, are you giving in and accepting this unjust arrangement?" Elaine gazed at her daughter in horrified disbelief.

Carolina nodded her head and said, "Maria and I are sisters. We all owe Maria a deep debt of gratitude. I would have been willing to give Song Group to her if that was what Grandpa wanted me to do."

"Carolina! Have you been brainwashed?" Elaine couldn't believe her ears.

Carolina sighed and said, "Mom, let's go! I'll drive you home!"

"I won't go back. Maria, tell me the truth. Did you collude with this lawyer to tamper with your grandfather's will?"

Facing this wretched woman's challenging question,

Maria could no longer remain silent. She stood up and sneered at her so-called mother. "If I colluded with the lawyer to tamper with the will, you and Daniela wouldn't have gotten a penny, let alone Alina and her brother!"

"Maria, you ungrateful-" Elaine pounced on Maria, but the two bodyguards jumped in and held her back.

Maria walked out of the Song family house, not once looking back.

When she was about to enter the car, a figure rushed after her and held her back.

The driver tried to stop this intruder but that woman had firmly grasped onto Maria's clothes.

Maria gestured for the driver to leave them alone. He took a few steps back, but his vigilant eyes were still on that woman.


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