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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 472

Putting her soft hands on his chest, Sandra tried to push him away. She knew they had to maintain a distance. She felt a spasm of panic sweeping over her. "Cooper, don't do this. Please behave yourself!" she pleaded.

Lowering his head, Cooper touched his forehead against hers. "I don't want to behave myself," he said seductively.

His action filled the atmosphere with heat.

Sandra felt a tumult of feelings inside her. Biting her lower lip, she said, "Let go of me!"

Instead of letting her go, Cooper came closer and kissed her on the lips.

A lot of emotions exploded in her heart. Her heart began to race and her mind went blank.

How had he managed to sprout the love she had buried so deeply?

This wasn't their first kiss. He had once kissed her a year ago. But after that kiss, nothing else had happened.

And now, Sandra finally managed to peel his arms from her body and rushed to the door. Her heart beat violently and she was trembling. "If you don't go, I'll go!"

Cooper was quicker than her. Before her hand could reach the doorknob, he hugged her from behind. She was imprisoned in his arms and couldn't budge.

This time, Cooper wasn't going to let her go. He lifted her up and pressed her on the big bed not far away. She struggled in vain.

"Sandra," he said gently.

"Let go of me!" she protested.

He kissed the tip of her nose and went on, "Sandra, please don't move!"

"Cooper, what the hell do you want?" Sandra was on the verge of a breakdown.

"What I want is clear. I want you," he answered bluntly.

At this, an ironical smile crept onto her face. "Don't force yourself to lie, Mr. Xi."

"No, I am speaking nothing butthetruth."

"Please stop! They are right. If you loved me, you would have loved me a long time ago. It wouldn't have taken so many years for you to realize your feelings!"

Cooper stroked her hair and explained to her patiently, "My brother was in a coma for more than two years. During that period, I was busy day and night. I was afraid that I couldn't give you a future. That was the only reason I didn't reciprocate your love." Now that his brother had woken up, he knew he could pursue the love of his life.

"Time is just an excuse, Cooper. If you truly loved me, it wouldn't have been an issue. If you genuinely loved me, you would have made time out of your busy schedule." Although Sandra was still young, she had matured a lot mentally. She wouldn't blindly believe someone's words.

"Then I will spend the rest of my life to make up for

my mistake. Is that okay?"

Cooper had a genuine look in his eyes. He gazed at Sandra with raw affection. She almost fell for it. However, she told herself to behave sensibly. She couldn't allow herself to fall for him again.

Sandra was finding it hard to control her emotions. She knew Cooper's charms were melting her heart again. Her eyed turned red. Glaring at him, she said "Do you want me to believe you will spend the rest of your life with me? Don't try to fool me! I won't fall for it!"

Cooper let out a defeated sigh and said, "Sandra, I admit I have made a mistake in the past. I didn't cherish you. Now give me a chance to make amends, okay?"

Sandra snorted indignantly and said, "No! Just so you know, it's not like I lack pursuers!"

"Yes, I am aware. I know very well that you are so charming that any men would fall at her feet, myself included."

Sandra didn't know whether to be amused or angry. "It turns out you are very good with words. I am just surprised you never spoke to me this way before!" All this while, he had addressed her seriously.

Cooper felt wronged. He was not James. He hadn't known he behaved seriously all these years. He knew retorting would only make things worse. "If sweet words are what takes to get you, I am willing to do that all the time."

"Please stop! I don't believe anything that you say." A gust of happiness swept over her. Everything felt so unreal.

"It doesn't matter. I won't stop until you believe me."

After saying that, Cooper lowered his head and kissed her again.


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