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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 58

Maria looked back at the hotel. The Tang family was behind the banquet, and she'd bet dollars to donuts they also sent that package.

She took the envelope from the delivery man and signed her name on the digital pad.

As she got in the car, the driver asked softly, "Ms. Song, shall I take you to the hospital?"

"No, thanks." Maria tore the envelope open and removed the sheets of paper inside.

She looked at the documents and found a lawyer's letter on top.

Her eyes swept to the lower right hand corner where the signature was. The seal was the law offices of HL Group, and it was signed by Joshua Zhou, the leading member of that invincible team.

Maria sneered and thumbed through the paperwork. Alina had decided to sue her for attacking Ronald.

They were suing her for five million dollars for Ronald's medical bills. And another five million for emotional distress. She also had to publicly apologize to Ronald, or the Tang family would sue her.

After reading it, Maria tore the lawyer's letter into little pieces.

She tossed the fragments into a litter bag and looked out the window. They zipped through the city, and she stared at the lights streaming past. But she wasn't really paying attention to the night scenery—she was lost in thought.

Tang Group had their own team of attorneys, but it was HL Group's team who sent her the letter. It seemed that James thought of Alina as family.

A bitter smile appeared on her lips. When Maria was married to James, he'd never been so protective of her.

As they passed a maternity and baby product retailer, Maria told the driver, "Stop the car, please."

Tires squealing, the Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of the store. Maria got out.

After the Rolls-Royce roared off, the woman walked toward the store and stared up at the sign —"Angel Baby."

When she was pregnant with Arthur, she came here all the time to buy toys, clothes, and other things for him, and maternity clothes for herself as her baby bump got larger and larger.

She stared at a showcase, where a tiny bright yellow hat sat on the snow-white carpet, and beside it was a layette in the same color festooned with cartoon dinosaurs. Maria remembered Arthur was given one of those hats the day he was born. He cried loudly, though the hat might not have been the cause. Nonetheless, the whole floor heard him.

As a first-time mom, she had no clue how to calm him down. The maternity nurse suggested the baby might be hungry and should be fed breast milk.

When she first saw Arthur, Maria thought he looked a lot like James. She couldn't see any of herself in him. At that time, she felt a little resentful. She carried him for nine months, and yet he looked like the man she almost never saw.

Though as the days passed, she began to like the idea he resembled James so much. It gave her a warm feeling in her heart.

Having a family and a baby with the man she loved was every woman's dream, wasn't it?

It began to drizzle, but Maria still stood in front of the window, lost in her memories.

She liked rainy days, but hated them too.

She liked the feeling of rain drops, the sound of rain falling on the ground, and the warmth of the quilt on rainy days.

But she didn't like being caught in a downpour. She'd have to wash her hair after that. Nor did she like puddles. The puddles that formed on the ground would get mud on her shoes, her skirt, even pants.

Raindrops fell on her exposed arms, but Maria didn't seem to feel anything. She looked at the tiny hat in the showcase and slowly walked forward.

The high-heeled shoes were a little painful, but the pain in her heart was greater. She ignored the feeling.

The Song banquet continued without Maria. James left first, escorted by Alina. Clayton figured those two might need a little alone time, so he didn't follow them out.


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