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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 9

James had always been quick to deal with things, so his meeting didn't last long. Maria didn't have to wait long, either. Maybe ten minutes. She saw James make his way to his office. Summer was close behind him.

Immediately, Lorenzo stood up. "Excuse me, Mr. Xi..." Then he shifted his gaze to the woman standing in front of the window, struggling to explain his interruption.

James got the hint, and looked in that direction as well. He walked toward his office without stopping as if Maria didn't exist.

Silently waving to Maria, Summer took her seat. Maria nodded at her, smiling, and walked towards the CEO's office.

Seeing that, Lorenzo wanted to stop her, but Summer was too quick for him. "Excuse me, Lorenzo. During the meeting, Mr. Xi mentioned that..."

Since she was asking him something work-related, Lorenzo couldn't really interrupt her. Maria walked in like she owned the place.

She was aware of what Summer had done for her. She kept that in mind, and was grateful.

Following James, Maria entered the office quietly. Stepping on the soft carpet, she looked around. The office was one of the biggest she'd seen. The decor was lavish as well. She marveled in her heart before coming back to her senses. She had business to discuss with James. She wasn't here for an office tour.

James was already sitting in front of the laptop, his slender fingers dancing over the keys.

Maria stopped in front of his desk and said his name softly. "James Xi."

When they were first married, she addressed him as "Mr. Xi." After they made love several times, she began to call him "James." But his full name would suffice for now.

The man totally ignored her and kept staring at the computer screen.

"Since I drank three bottles of brandy, I want access to Fairview Villa. So if you could let John know, I'd appreciate it. Don't worry, I'm not moving in. I just want to take a look." 'I just want to spend some time with the past, and find the things that remind me of my son,' Maria thought.

The man stopped typing and looked up at her. "I don't remember making any kind of deal with you. I said you weren't allowed inside Fairview Villa and I meant it. I don't care how much you drank."

Maria gazed at him. 'I know that. But I was hoping to earn some brownie points so you'd let me in. That was three bottles, and for what? Nothing? I puked up blood, you bastard!' Maria's inner voice cried.

Knowing how difficult this man was, she took a deep breath and said in a pleading tone, "Now I'm begging you. May I enter the Fairview Villa please?"

"Get out of here!" James refused her directly and ruthlessly.

Maria was so angry she felt a dull pain in her stomach. She clenched her fists and said, "James Xi, you told me I don't deserve to enter the Fairview Villa or see Arthur. But since you never intended to let me into the villa, why did you make me drink three bottles of liquor? To let Alina Tang mock me? Why?"

He gave her no response after the words fell from her lips. The only sound that could be heard was his fingers tapping the keys in rapid succession. But after he was done typing, he told her, "Because I'm James Xi."

'What an asshole!' Although Maria already knew what kind of person James was, she was still furious. These simple words sounded extremely domineering, as if he was telling Maria he could order her around like a robot, and she had nothing to say about it.

Maria took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. "You know I carried Arthur for nine months, right? So who suffered the most pain after he had his accident? Since you said I don't deserve to see him, what about you? You never spent any time with your son. You only came home one or two days a month. James Xi, how did you feel when your son died? Did you feel heartbroken?"

They hadn't seen each other in person or talked about Arthur since the accident that took his life. Now several years had passed, and Maria summoned up the courage to bring up the past. The past she didn't want to talk about. The past filled with pain. But she wanted to clear the misunderstanding between them.

But he didn't want to talk about it. He didn't even want to think about it. He didn't care how heartbroken she was. Taking a look at his watch, James found that Maria had torn him away from work for nearly five minutes. "Are you done yet? If you are, Ms. Song, please leave and close the door behind you."

Hearing his words, Maria was astonished.

'He's such a miserable douche-nozzle!'


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