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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 99

The unexpected encounter finally put a smile on Maria's face. Then, raising her voice, she asked casually, "Mr. Nan, could you give me a ride?"

Immediately, Ethan said to Lorenzo's back, "Lorenzo, stop the car. Maria needs a ride."

Lorenzo didn't say anything. Instead, he glanced at the silent man in the back seat from the rearview mirror, not wanting to pull over.

Seeing that the car had already passed by Maria, Ethan became a little anxious. He patted James' shoulder and said, "James, Maria is sitting on the roadside alone. What if something happens to her? It's late!"

James was amused by his words. How could Ethan believe something would happen to a skilled woman like Maria? James opened his eyes and answered in a flat tone, "She won't die."

Ethan felt helpless. "James, she doesn't seem to be in a good mood. You should have more compassion for her. Please!"

James looked at him, speechless.

Two minutes later, the Harkim made a U-turn and pulled over in front of Maria. The moment she stood up to get in the car, the back door was opened and Ethan was kicked out. As the door was closed again, the car roared off.

Maria looked into Ethan's pitiful puppy eyes, and neither of them said a word.

While they walked in silence along the side of the road, Ethan glanced at Maria's high heels a couple of times and couldn't help asking, "Don't your feet hurt?"

Whenever he was on a date, his female partner would cry out that their feet were sore after only taking a few steps in their high heels. He wondered if Maria also felt the same.

Noticing the concern in his voice, Maria smiled. "I'm used to it. Thanks."

Ethan nodded, scratching the back of his head. He really admired her for walking on those high heels for so long without complaining. "Forget it. James is too ruthless. He won't come back for us. I'll just call us a ride." Pulling out his phone, Ethan made a call and requested someone to pick them up.

As they waited for the car, a woman passed by them, pushing a baby stroller with a crying infant in it. Once they were distant enough, Maria whispered, "Ethan, do you know what day it is tomorrow?"

"No," Ethan replied in confusion. He was aware that the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon, but it wasn't tomorrow. Maria glanced at the puzzled young man and laughed at him. Changing the subject, she confessed, "To be honest, I envy you a lot."

"Envy me? Why? Is it because of my wealth or my power?" Ethan couldn't hide his interest.


"Then what is it?" He had already thought of a way to refute each option he gave her, but Maria didn't answer as he expected.

Sighing, she replied, "I envy your personality as a whole." Ethan was an easy-going, lively, and cheerful young man who was always up to anything and had nothing to worry about. Maria, on the other hand, was too resentful to open her heart and lead a life free of worries like him.

"Oh! I thought you meant something else!" Squatting on the roadside, Ethan explained, "My zodiac sign is Aries. We're born optimistic, energetic, and lively. What about you, Maria? What's your star sign?"

Maria was taken aback by his question. She should have guessed that a guy as naive as Ethan would believe in such things as zodiac signs like a child would. Nevertheless, she thought about it for a moment and answered, "I'm a Virgo, and James is a Scorpio. Arthur was born under the same sign as you. He's an Aries as well."

It was the first time that Ethan had heard her mention Arthur so naturally. He took a moment to study her expression but didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Then he asked carefully, "Really? What's his birthday?"

"March 29th."

"Wow, he's indeed an Aries. I was born on April 16th!"

As she heard this, Maria looked at Ethan, unable to stop herself from comparing him with Arthur. She couldn't help wondering if Arthur had been given the chance to grow up, he might have become an outgoing, bright young man like Ethan was.

When Ethan met her gaze again, he was ready to say something else, but all of a sudden, he noticed the unusual way she was looking at him and gave up. In fact, Maria stared at him so tenderly, as a mother would look at her son. Ethan choked on his own saliva before saying, "Maria Song! Wake up! I'm Ethan Nan, not your son!"


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