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ADOPTED HEIR novel Chapter 7

ADOPTED HEIR **Pregnancy**

Nathaniel's P O V

"I..I..I don't know." I stuttered suddenly scared.

She stares at me for a long time before taking me to sit on the bed. She squatts down to become eye level with me.

"Take a deep breath in, then explain what happened in details to me." She instructed.

I did as she said and exhaled in and out before starting.

"It's Isabella. At the bar, I forced myself on her," I finally said.

Her looks grows cold for a while, before returning to normal.

She sighs and sat down beside me.

"What really happened? I need the full details."

"Who is the Isabella, Nate?" She asks.

I tell her a bit about what I know and explained to her how I approached Isabella and how everything ended.

"You did what? You even gave the necklace I gave you to her? Who even asked you to drink?"

"Goodness! Nate!" She shrieks my name.

I stand up from the bed and squatts in front of her as she did to me earlier.

"Mom please, I need to apologise for what I did. Please you need to find out where she lives. I heard she is just an orphan staying with her granny. I shouldn't have approached her in the first place but I couldn't control myself any longer.

I really want to beg her, I don't know if she will forgive me but I still want to try,_ I say desperately.

She pulls me into a hug then.

"It's okay. I will do that, I'll look for her. I'll tell someone to look into it." Mom cooed as she patted my back.

"You won't tell dad, will you?" I asked disengaging from the hug to stare at her face.

"I don't want to tell him but you know it's very hard for me to hide anything from him. Let's just hope he doesn't grown suspicious first and the comes to ask. If he doesn't ask, I won't tell him, but if he finds out then I won't be able to lie to him." Mom answers.

I nod and sat down on her bed.

"I don't want to go to school anymore. I don't want to school there for the main time, at least until I've apologized for what I did." I say.

Mom stares at me for a while and then nods.

"Nathaniel, you don't really have to feel too bad. The worst crime you'll ever commit is doing something bad and not feeling remorseful about it. I'm glad you know what you did, drunk state or not, I'm glad you know it was really bad."

"Come on, lie down on the bed. Let me ask someone who has no connection with your father in anyway to look into the girl's address." Mom says and pulls me down to the bed.

I stay down on the bed and watch as she covers me with the duvet cover, before walking out of her room.

Isabella's P O V

It's been a week now. I couldn't bring myself to step down from my bed. I can't go to school, I don't want to.

I don't know how long I'll continue feeling this way but I really can't go. I don't want to see him, I might just die once I set my eyes on him.

How could he do that to me? I begged him to stop but he didn't listen to me. He was so strong even in his drunk state, he was so determined to do what he did.

How could he??

"Isabella," I hear Grams voice from the sitting room.

"Someone is here for you."

"Who?" I asked.

"It's Felicity, remember her?" Grams says.

Felicity? Oh that lady.

I jump down from the bed and opened my room to indeed see her sitting comfortably on the sofa there in the sitting room.

She smiles at me immediately our eyes clocked.

"Isabella, come here." She says.

I look at Grams and then at her.

"I'm sorry," I say and enter back into my room. I relax my back against the door.

"What? What happened to her?" I hear Felicity questions Grams.

"It's a long story which I'm going to cut really short. My grand daughter has refused going to school because of what her school mate did to her on her birthday. Her school mate raped her". Grams explained.

"What? Oh my goodness! When I was informed that she didn't attend school for a whole week, I thought she was just sick. Kids her age are always sick. I didn't expect it to be this." Felicity exclaimed truly shocked by the news.

A tear slipped from my eyes. I'm supposed to be happy that someone that wants to help my studies is here, but look at me. I'm down and don't even know if at all I wanna go back to school or not.

Chapter 7 1

Chapter 7 2


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