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ADOPTED HEIR novel Chapter 9


Isabella's P O V

It's been 8 months now since I've been pregnant. I'm currently living with Felicity in her big Mansion.

She hired private teachers to come teach me everyday ever since I got here.

Leaving Grams behind back in Buford, Wyoming was the hardest thing for me but Grams assured me that she will be okay and that I should listen to every word Felicity says.

And I've been doing every single thing Felicity orders me to do, sleep at the right time, eat a lot of veggies, study a lot too and walk around the compound in the evening.

My belly is so much bigger now and I'm supposed to give birth to my twins children next month. I can't believe I'm actually pregnant with two kids, a boy and a girl.

A boy and a girl that I've grown to really love and anticipate their coming into this world.

I don't know how I'll be able to cope with studies after bringing them to this world, I'll see what happens when I get to that stage but as of now, I'm studying a lot.

And I've already thought of their names.

I think I'm going to give them Kendrick and Kendra. Yeah, I think those two names will be perfect for them, I think they'll love it.


Again, it's been more than 9 months already and I'm still carrying my babies.

The doctor said that I need more exercise, he said I might experience a lot of complications since I'm still very young.

To say the truth I'm really scared, I don't want to die and leave my babies and Grams alone in this world.

I don't want to die so I've been following everything the doctor said I should do.

Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday, I've carried my twins and tomorrow is going to make it 1 year that I've been pregnant with them.

I placed my hand on my big belly.

When are you guys coming out? Please just come out. Your mom also needs to see you guys urgently, I said to them in my mind.

The gate of the Mansion suddenly opened and a car drove in, I quickly moved out of the way of the car and unfortunately hit my foot against a stone.

I winched and stayed down on the floor.

"Isabella, why are earth are you standing in front of the gate?" Felicity asked coming down from the car.

She got to me on the floor where I was still crying out in pain.

She helped me up on my feet but I suddenly felt a sharp pain around my waist side.

I cried out the more and made to sit on the floor again but Felicity held me tightly.

"Isabella?" She called staring blankly at my legs.

I didn't answer her, I struggled to get away from her and sit down on the floor but she called me again.

"You are bleeding!" She shrieked.

"Yes, that's because I just hit my leg on this stone while escaping from your car." I said back to her in annoyance.

"No, that's not it. You are really bleeding, Isabella. You...you are in labor, let's go to the hospital immediately."

I looked down at my own legs in shock. There is blood everywhere, my gown is stained.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I shrieked and another pain hit me.

I made to fall but Felicity held me more tightly.

She yelled for her guards to come carry me into her car. Her guards rushed me to her car, she entered the back side with me and her driver took off to the hospital she registered me at.

I kept screaming out in pain. It was too painful.

I think I'm really going to die if this pain keep on coming.

I never knew pregnancy labor could be this painful.

I was rushed to the room where I was going to give birth immediately and the doctors came in.

A nurse held my two hands, the two doctors there encouraged me to push but I couldn't.

I just can't. I don't have the strength to. I might really die if I try it.

"Look Isabella, it's okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, you just have to push hard and your babies are going to come right out."

"I'm sure you want to see them right?" The male doctor there asked.


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