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Alpha Alexander novel Chapter 5


“Shit…” I hissed, gripping my stomach tightly as my baby kicked. I gripped on my door handle as I tried to calm my breathing down, wanting to process the pain that I was suddenly feeling.

Today was a day where my beloved little one was more than determined to make himself known. The kicks grew more intense with each passing minute, and needless to say, I knew that I didn’t have it in me to try and relax. I was due in a few weeks and the last thing I needed was to skip work or skip the one thing that would ensure our survival after I gave birth, at least, until I was back to work.

I shook my head, and taking a deep breath, I forced myself to open the door as I walked out of my apartment. I walked to work, making sure that I didn’t forget anything at home, and basically, by anything, it was a small bag of clothes if any accidents decided to occur, and something to eat if I didn’t want to eat any leftovers. The café was a few blocks away from the apartment, that was something that I was grateful for, because regardless of not needing a cab, I knew that I wouldn’t afford paying for one if I wanted to, especially if my job was further away from a few blocks away.

My heart clenched, and my wolf grew more alert as another kick hit. My eyes widened in surprise and, catching sight of HIM, I felt my whole body freeze. My heart raced against my ribcage, and despite the pain of my abdomen, it seemed like I was distracted, all too distracted, to try and keep up with what was happening.

His eyes met mine, and for a second, I could swear that he frowned in confusion, probably no longer making out my features as easily as he could, or catching sight of how different I looked. I have lost more weight in the past three months to the point where my once beautiful face grew pale. My eyes had black circles under them, something that never existed, and that was due to the exhaustion that I was dealing with. Me being pregnant, studying, and going to work didn’t come out as easy as I thought it would be.

Alpha Alexander, the love of my life and my first heartbreak took a step toward me and that was when I felt like my lower half was no longer supporting me. A cry of pain escaped my mouth before I could stop it, and looking down at my feet, my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw red.


It was MY blood.


“My baby” I said, putting a hand on my stomach, my vision blurring. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I could vaguely hear Alexander asking for help before I felt his arms wrap around me. My heart throbbed, and my wolf whimpered, but I couldn’t care less. I felt my heart weaken, and my body go numb.

“Hold on, Scarlett, help is on the way” I heard Alexander say as he lifted me “I just need you to hold on…”

My eyes fluttered open in a familiar room, my room.

My whole body ached, and the sound of the heart monitor only gave me a headache, and taking a few seconds to process what was going on, I found myself sitting up so quickly that my head throbbed as a headache kicked in.

“My baby?” I asked, looking down at my stomach, remembering the blood and what happened out in the street. Two hands were put on my shoulders, pushing me down gently, and looking up at whose hands they were, my heart raced against my chest when I saw that it was Alexander.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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