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Alpha King's sex Slave novel Chapter 1


Chapter one

[Hunt for the Witch Queen]

Talitha’s pov.

“Talitha! Talitha!” My eyes fluttered open with the speed of lightning as I tried to adjust my eyes to the bright vision as the sun peeked into them.

Diana leaned to where I lay and my sight caught her forehead glistening with beaded sweat and her clothes rumpled and drenched with perspiration.

“What is it Diana, why are you looking scared?” my soft voice questioned with furrowed brows as I pulled myself up from the bed and stood up due to the emergency in her voice. Diana wasn’t the type to worry or get shaken easily but when she did it meant one thing.


“You have no idea. The king’s soldiers are after us and if we don’t move now we’re going to get caught. The entire village is under an attack.” Her lungs must be barely hanging on for dear life with the way she sounded almost out of breath shaking in fear.

“Slow down. Speak to me slowly.” I urged tying my long natural blonde hair into a tight ponytail and wrapping my white woolen shawl around my empty neck protectively with an air of importance.

“I went out to get some food and I masked my appearance properly but on getting to the gates. The Alpha’s soldiers mounted on their horses were galloping at full speed, and went around asking the villagers of any strange women who got into their town.”

That’s bad news. I swallowed an unknown lump. He won’t stop looking for me even to the ends of the earth. It has been five years, five solid years to forget the past and forge ahead. But did I truly forget all that had happened or was I barely hanging on and staring at posterity?

Before I could speak another rushed into my tent and fell on her knees breathing huskily with her lips wide open gasping for breath. “Forgive me my Queen but on my way back from the stream I saw the soldiers breaking into people’s homes, whipping and threatening them with hounds of death.” Her hands trembled as she narrated the ordeal.

“How did the Alpha get the information that we set out tents here? We have successfully masked our identities for five years without getting caught. Who sold us out?” I questioned staring at the two women intently. I did trust Diana but in situations like this, you never can know, maybe there was a loophole somewhere. One of us must have failed to disguise properly to the villagers and it must have amassed this.

Our Witch sisters were different from the rest of the Clan, with extremely white pale skin, violet and strange colored eyes, full lips, extremely long hair, and body features that weren’t common among the others. Disguising was the only way to survive in this town and now our only shield has been blown off leaving us bare, unguarded, and vulnerable.

“I don’t know Talitha but what’s important is how to leave this village immediately,” Diana says hurriedly, not thinking.

Good decisions aren’t made in a hurry and before giving my consent it must be properly pondered upon.

The responsibility of ensuring everyone gets out unhurt is on my shoulders and I can’t jeopardize lest I carry such a huge burden of regrets for life with thoughts that maybe there was something I could have done differently.

“If the villagers see us leaving or some women they will be alerted and we’re going to get mapped out.” I stroked my cheek in thought. There’s no way I’ll secure the lives of my witch sisters and wouldn’t be worried for the poor villagers. If the Alpha king doesn’t find me he will wreak havoc on them just like the last village we sojourned before we came over to the poor town of Octavia.

The next morning everywhere was covered in ruins, the dead of the cattle, the carcass of the inhabitants, and the painful cries of their children. Just thinking about it alone had my tear duct pooling with tears. It breaks my heart.

“We have to split up into three groups. The first will head to the back gate, the second will head towards the river, and the third.” Pointing at Diana. “You’ll head the third group of our sisters. I’ll oversee to make sure everyone gets out alive and much harm hasn’t been done to the villagers.”

“No! I can’t let you take the fall if anything goes wrong. We are to protect you even if it means giving our lives in exchange for yours. Hurry with the others while I stay back.”

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1 2

Chapter 1 3


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