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Alpha King's sex Slave novel Chapter 3

Alpha King’s sex slave

Chapter Three-


Talitha’s POV

What was he doing? Is he getting me ready to have my head chopped at the judgement board?

It was dark judging by the light torches at the apex of the room and the executions were mostly in the mornings and afternoons.

Alpha Hades would do whatever he wishes to do. Witches aren’t given a fair trial in the Kingdom of Arni. One look at us and we’re hunted down with our heads chopped off.

We are the outcasts of society, we are shunned from the stalls to buy bread, insulted in public gatherings, and our lives are of no value as our women are abused and easily targeted by sexual predators.

The past Alpha King made sure of it. Witches are forbidden here and not allowed to co-exist with others.

We were beginning to live peacefully so we thought before a greater disaster happened.

The huge golden doors were pushed open by four guards walking into the courtroom and their knees fell to the floor in a thud with their heads bowed slightly.

“Yes, Alpha.”

He tore his grip from my throat and took a rise with his gaze still fixated on me as I coughed loudly with tears blinding my vision while I rubbed the sting his hold caused.

“Take her to the dungeon.” He ordered.

‘Dungeon?’ No, I dreaded being in that place. He should kill me and end it all by not taking me to the dungeon. It will cripple my mind and kill me slowly. I’ve suffered enough there was no need to keep me alive to take the little sanity left.

“Please no! Kill me instead but not the dungeon. Please Alpha.”

“One more word from you I would have the guards stitch your lips. You would like that won’t you?” He gritted out and a cold shiver ran down my spine. He wasn’t the type to issue mere threats.

The guards pulled me up and with tears streaming down my cheek they led me out before they shut the door. The Alpha let out a burst of hysterical laughter.


The guards tightened their grip on my wrist as they led me to the dungeon. My skin must have birthed bruises and blisters from the numerous shoving and grips I’ve been subjected to.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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