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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 143

She really didn't want to go look for Elijah anymore.

That Rolls Royce she saw today at Angela International Institute was differed from the one four years ago.

After all,there's no way he'd be driving the same car for four years.

However,the driver was his old driver.

Why the heck would he show up at a school ?

Could it be that he invested in the school?

But even if he did invest, he probably wouldn't be involved in the school's day-to-day operations.

After all, the Bourne Group is so huge. He's got enough on his plate already.


Joey saw Elijah looking cold and worried, so he tried to comfort him: "Boss, even though Dr. Mitchel has a large number of students, if we look for them individually, we'll eventually find the person Dr. Mitchel mentioned."

Elijah mumbled: "Violette's back in the country."

His voice was cold and lonely.

Joey immediately reacted and said ,"Did she contact you?"

"No, but she should come soon." Elijah finally picked up his knife and fork. "She wants a divorce. I told her lawyer to tell her if she wants a divorce, come find me by herself."

Joey asked: "What if she doesn't come to find you? After all, whether you guys get divorced doesn't affect your lives."

Elijah shot her a cold glance.

Joey instantly kept his mouth shut.

Brandon ordered a bottle of wine, then asked him: "Elijah, what do you feel about her now? If it were me, I'd definitely hate her. But I feel like you not only don't hate her, you even seem to wanna see her..."

After the wine arrived, Elijah filled himself a glass.

Taking a sip, he said indifferently: "I wouldn't say hate, but not love anymore."

He would've signed the divorce papers long ago and let her be free,If he still loved her.


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