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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 146

Joey was shocked when he saw Violette.

He didn't expect the buyer of the Dennis Group building to be Violette!

Violette's mood immediately became chaotic.

Why was Elijah's assistant here?

Mr. Ramsey saw them coming and immediately stood up to greet the property manager, "Mr. Silva, who is this?"

Mr. Silva introduced, "This is Elijah's assistant, Joey. The Dennis Group building was bought by Mr. Bourne through me back then."

Mr. Ramsey nodded and greeted Joey, "Hello, Joey."

Joey said, "Hello."

"Let me introduce you. The person who wants to buy the Dennis Group building is my former boss Blake's daughter, Violette." Mr. Ramsey introduced Violette to them, "The Dennis Group went bankrupt unavoidably, and now Ms. Dennis has made money abroad and wants to buy back the building and rebuild the Dennis Group."

Violette felt an unusual silence around her.

She didn't hear what Mr. Ramsey said.

She just felt the whole situation was ironic!

Why did fate make fun of her like this!

Would Elijah sell the building to her if he knew she was the one who wanted to buy it?

Probably not.

According to Odette, Elijah should hate her very much.

"Mr. Ramsey, Mr. Silva, I want to talk to Ms. Dennis alone. Could you please leave us for a moment?" Joey said with a smile.

Mr. Ramsey immediately stood up and told Violette, "I'll wait for you outside."


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