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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 150

A black car pulled up in the front yard of the Bourne family's residence.

The car door opened, and a familiar delicate face appeared.

Lacey piped up, "Ms. Marcia, long time no see."

Melinda smiled, "Lacey, it's been a while. Is Elijah home?"

Lacey nodded, "Mr. Bourne has been waiting for you since he got your call this morning."

Melinda nodded in satisfaction.

Another lady then got out of the car.

"Watch your step, Ms. Sarah," Melinda helped her out of the car.

Ms. Sarah, about thirty, was mature looking with a dignified air.

She took a good look at the villa in front of her.

Her feelings were unreadable from her eyes.

Lacey didn't dare to ask more questions, She led them into the living room.

Upon their arrival, Elijah immediately got up from the couch.

Melinda had called him in the morning, claiming to have found the student Dr. Mitchel had mentioned who could potentially help him.

Dr. Mitchel's last phone call before his death was to Elijah, a fact that had made local news.

With enough money and connections, anyone could find out about that last phone call between Dr. Mitchel and Elijah.

Melinda had gone to great lengths to bring Ms. Sarah, from far away, to meet Elijah, all in an attempt to weasel her way back into his life.

Five long years!

During these years away from Elijah, she had been living abroad.

Now, she had the chance to return to him And she grabbed it with both hands.

His face, more appealing than five years ago, tugged at her heartstrings.

Her eyes welled up.

But Elijah barely glanced at her before his gaze landed on Sarah.

"Ms. Sarah, nice to meet you," Elijah extended his hand towards Sarah.


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