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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 168

"What did that little girl want with your phone?" Elijah asked suspiciously.

"She got separated from her dad and wanted to borrow my phone to call him. Ever since I ran into her, I've been having the worst luck. I swear she's a jinx!" Kaleb's face was swollen and tear-filled, looking quite pitiful.

Elijah eyed him sympathetically and asked, "Do you remember what she looks like?"

Kaleb responded, "Yes! She was really pretty. If she wasn't, I wouldn't have lent her my phone. I told you before, she kinda looks like Violette!"

Upon hearing the name, Elijah's expression darkened, "Go get some ointment."

"Uncle, it doesn't hurt... I want to know how my phone got infected! It automatically sent private photos to my blind date and ruined it. I suspect it can even eavesdrop on me!" Kaleb said in distress.

He had no idea how he had become a target for hackers.

Or who he had pissed off.

"Kaleb, go to your room and let your mom put some ointment on you. I need to talk to your uncle in private." Travis interjected.

Kaleb got up and left the room.

Once only the brothers were left, Travis said, "This hacker is extremely aggressive, first installing a trojan horse in Kaleb's phone, then hacking into Makayla's school system. Everything was premeditated. Why would they kidnap Makayla? It's been a day and they haven't made contact."

This was also Elijah's concern.

If they wanted money, he could give it!

But he was afraid they would harm Makayla!

"Elijah, did you piss off someone?" Travis asked.

Elijah replied, "It's probably someone from the school. I've already sent someone to check the personnel records from the past month."

"Right, I'm sure your security measures are top-notch. Over the years, neither our mother nor I have been able to visit Makayla. It would be even harder for outsiders." Travis sighed, "If Makayla hadn't wandered off, none of this would have happened."

"Don't blame Makayla." Elijah's knuckles whitened slightly as he guiltily replied, "She was just scared, that's why she left."

"I'm not blaming her, she's just a kid, what does she know?" Travis's eyes reddened slightly, "I just hope she's safe."


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