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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 261

Joey Lamont picked up the phone: "Hello?"

Mike: "It's me."

Joey glanced at the call screen, coldly said: "What do you want?"

"Watch your tone, or I won't sell you guys drones." Mike threatened.

Joey frowned and retorted: "Don't flatter yourself! Who wants to buy your drones?!"

Mike paused: "Your boss! The order placed by your procurement department, is it fake?"

Joey took a deep breath: "You're saying our boss ordered the procurement department to buy your drones?"

"Yeah! Didn't you know? Haha! I thought you were your boss's right-hand man, turns out you're nothing." Mike mocked and hung up.

Joey was irritated and went to ask Elijah for confirmation.

Elijah looked up from his computer screen.

"Our company gives out welfare gifts to employees every year during festivals. This year's gift is a drone, any objections?"

Joey vigorously shook his head: "No objections! Just a bit surprised."

"It was a last-minute decision." Elijah said nonchalantly, "Though I no longer have contact with Violette Dennis, her company's products are good."

He would never forget the scene a few days ago when he went to Violette's house and was chased by a drone that was pouring water from the sky!

Technology was advancing with time.

Such a good product, he should share it with his employees.

"Oh... Mike just called me, and I was a bit rude... I don't know if it'll affect our order." Joey said regretfully, "I'll call him back."

Half an hour later, Joey and the procurement manager headed to the Dennis Group to discuss cooperation.

Violette and Mike received them in the conference room.


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