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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 27

"Of course you are not impulsive, it wasn't your baby that got aborted!"

The doctor saw how upset Violette was and realized it was a serious matter, so he changed his tone: "Ms. Dennis, I'm sorry for my poor choice of words just now. Please have a seat and drink some water, and I'll go find out what's going on for you."

After pouring her a glass of water, the doctor immediately went to find his superior.

About half an hour later, the doctor returned.

"Ms. Dennis, do you know Melinda? She's the one who snooped into your records."

Upon hearing the answer, Violette left the hospital.

She couldn't believe Melinda would stab her in the back like that!

But she wasn't gonna take it lying down.

She'd find a way to make Melinda pay!

The Dennis Group.

Violette entered her father's office.

Reaves had already been waiting inside for a long time.

"Violette, I asked you to come today because there are two things I need to tell you," Reaves poured her a glass of warm water, "Regarding Ramsey, he originally wanted to invest in our company, but today he suddenly changed his mind and wants to acquire our company for 2 billion."

Seeing Reaves' unhappy expression, Violette guessed, "Is the price too low?"

"If the company was operating normally, we wouldn't even consider the 2 billion offer. But the company's not doing well now, so Ramsey's price is actually quite high," Reaves said. "Actually, the low acquisition price isn't the most painful part. What's worse is that after Ramsey acquires our company, the core business will change. He doesn't believe in self-driving cars and won't continue to develop the project..."

"Then why does he want to acquire us?" Violette asked in confusion.


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