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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 40

Ten minutes later, Violette's phone rang.

After answering the call, she sent a message to Odette and rushed towards the exit.

Ramsey watched her hurriedly leave with a smile on his face.

Where did Violette get the guts?

How dared she sneak out and play behind Elijah's back.

Isn't it good to be with Elijah?

Which guy could compare to Elijah?

He really didn’t know what this woman was thinking.

Odette replied with a frown: What's the emergency? Why the rush?

Violette: Super urgent. Let's talk next time we meet!

The caller was one of Elijah's bodyguards.

He told her to wait at the hotel entrance.

If Violette dare not obey, he would break her legs.

Violette had a psychological shadow on Elijah's bodyguards.

They were particularly ruthless.

Although she knew the bodyguards' power came from Elijah, she still feared them.

Coming out of the hotel, she waited for around ten minutes, and a black Bentley stopped in front of her.

The car window rolled down, and the bodyguard's serious face appeared.

Violette immediately opened the back seat door and got in.

With a 'boom', the car sped away.

"Ms. Dennis, if our boss keeps a dog for a few months, it would know who its family is. Why are you still so disloyal after being with him for so long?" the bodyguard mocked.

"Are you saying I'm worse than a dog?" Violette frowned.

"Yes, you're worse than a dog. What else can you do at the Bourne family besides eating and drinking for free and annoying our boss?" The bodyguard spoke with strong disgust.


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