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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 465

"Why'd you suddenly bring this up?" He didn't want to argue with her, considering they had a new bond between them - their child.

"And why can't I bring this up? Just because we don't talk about certain things doesn't mean they do not exist." She knew digging up the past wasn't a good move, but if they didn't clarify things, they'd be like a sharp sword, jabbing at her heart now and then.

He pulled her gently into his arms, whispering, "Didn't you say you wanted to rest? Did I disturb you?"

Her cheek suddenly pressed against his hot chest, making her heart race and her emotions scatter. She pushed him away forcefully, then quietly laid down, turning her back on him.

He watched her delicate body, his heart clenching. She still hadn't told him what his mother had said to her before she died. Of course, he didn't dare to ask again. She was already pissed, if he asked again, she might get even more pissed.

He pulled up the blanket, covering her, then laid down beside her again.


Six in the evening.

Mike and Joey came back with the kids. When they opened the villa door, they saw Violette sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Violette, I brought you dinner," Mike placed the dinner in front of her, "Your favorite fruits, soup, cold dishes... give it a try."

Violette glanced at the dinner, her stomach immediately grumbling.

"Mom! You have a baby in your belly, why didn't you tell me and brother?" Rita sat next to Violette, her eyebrows furrowed, feeling a bit angry, "Brother and I are so good, why do you need another baby? I'm not happy!"

Violette gave an awkward smile, "I'm sorry, Rita, I should have told you and your brother earlier. Mom was wrong, I will correct it."

"Oh... as long as you apologize, you don't need to correct it," Rita softened, reaching out to touch Violette's belly, "Huh? Where's the baby? Why is there nothing?"

Violette hadn't eaten much all day, so her stomach was hollow.

Joey and Mike stared intently at her stomach and began to think. Mike asked angrily, "Violette! Don't tell me Elijah Bourne took you for another abortion?"


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