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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 482

Elijah’s phone rang. He picked it up.

“Mr. Bourne, Miss Makayla took Ian to the national children's coding competition finals today.” Makayla’s bodyguard’s voice came from the other end.

Elijah furrowed his brows in confusion, “What are you talking about?”

The bodyguard repeated, then explained, “Miss Makayla didn’t want me to tell you.”

“Then why are you telling me now?” Elijah rubbed his temples, a bad feeling creeping into his mind.

The bodyguard continued, “Ian just won the championship, and Miss Makayla was so happy she ran up on stage, but she got recognized. Things got a bit out of control. Miss Makayla wasn’t hurt but she was definitely scared.”

Listening to this unexpected accident, Elijah felt like he was being spun a yarn. Why would Makayla take Ian to a coding competition? Ian was shy, not fond of strangers. He should have been reluctant to participate in the competition, how was he convinced?

“Send me the address.” Elijah commanded sternly before hanging up.


A park near the Tech Museum.

Ian was tired and sat on a park bench. Makayla holding his gold trophy, sat next to him.

“Ian, I’m sorry.” Makayla looked at him apologetically, “I wanted you to get into the gifted program, so I made you enter the competition.”

Ian glared at her, “Why go to the gifted program?”

“My teacher said that people in the gifted class are all very smart. I thought you’d be happier there.” Makayla shared her thoughts, “Because everyone is just like you in there. If there was a place filled with people like me, I’d be so happy.”


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