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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 530

Odette shook her head, "Nope, wasn't there any sender's information on the package?"

"I just glanced at it. It seems to be some company's name," Violette voiced her confusion, "I told the mailman to put the package in the community mailbox or ring my doorbell and leave it with the nanny, but he insisted I sign for it myself."

"Oh, maybe there's some valuable stuff in there. They usually only require a face-to-face sign-off for valuables," Odette chuckled mysteriously, "Could it be a gift from Elijah? You two are head over heels for each other now, right?"

Violette shook her head, "Doubt it. He never uses delivery for his gifts to me. Even if he buys something abroad, he'd have it sent to him first, check it out, then give it to me."

"Oh my! The way you put it, I'm kinda falling for him again. After all, he used to be my crush!" Odette stirred her coffee, "Violette, have you totally moved on from the past?"

Seeing Violette's behavior today, she was totally a girl in love. Violette knew she couldn't hide it, so she nodded, "Let bygones be bygones!"

"I respect your decision. Who hasn't made mistakes in life?" Odette was happy for her, "I feel like you've changed since you got back together with him. And so has Elijah. You two look so happy together, just keep it up! Then your three kids can have a complete family, how great is that!"

Violette looked down, "Can't say for sure about the future. But I'll definitely cherish the time we spend together. We're not kids anymore, and our children are growing up."

She had seriously thought about it. Right now, for her and Elijah, marriage wasn't the most important thing. They needed a solid trust like family, not just a piece of marriage certificate.

Around five in the afternoon.

The nanny picked up Rita from kindergarten. When Rita walked in and was changing her shoes, she immediately saw the package on the shoe rack. "Whose package is this? What's in it?"

The nanny replied, "It's your mom's."

"Oh, I wanna open it and see." Rita thought what belonged to mom also belonged to her.

The nanny was a bit hesitant, "Your mom will be back soon, why don't we wait until then? Or we can wait for your brother and see what he thinks."

Rita nodded, thinking her brother would be back soon.

About ten minutes later, the bodyguard brought Ian home.


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