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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 532

Violette didn’t look fine at all. Both Rita and Ian could feel it, not only was something up, but it was also pretty serious.

"Ian, take your sister for dinner. I'll bring up your mom's meal." The nanny said.

Ian, holding Rita's hand, headed to the dining room. The nanny, tray in hand, went upstairs.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, Violette's fingers trembled slightly as she pulled out a tape recorder from a box. Without hesitation, she hit play.

—I heard Dr. Mitchel has a secret disciple, who is even better than Dr. Mitchel himself! Tell me, who is this secret disciple!

—I don't know. The professor never told me.

The familiar voice made her shudder with more intensity. It was Adrian's voice!

—Oh, since you don't know, I'll just chop off your fingers and send them to the most likely person. Let's see if we can draw her out.

This wicked voice was terrifying. Then, from the tape, came a 'thump'! The sound of a knife falling, followed by a scream! Adrian's cries of pain made Violette break down instantly!

Tears blurred her vision, her fingers clenched tightly, her nails digging deep into her palm, but she didn't feel the pain!

The nanny, tray in hand, stood at the bedroom door. Just as she was about to knock, she faintly heard a scream from the room. The nanny's face turned pale with fear, and she immediately went downstairs with the tray.

"Isn't she eating?" The bodyguard asked, looking at the untouched food on the tray.

The nanny walked over to the bodyguard and whispered, "You need to call Mike right away, tell him to come back immediately. Something's up!"

The bodyguard paled, "Ms. Dennis is in trouble?!"


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