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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 537

Ian and Elijah stepped out of the villa, their eyes meeting for a moment before Ian awkwardly averted his gaze.

As Ian was still a minor and couldn't fly alone without an adult, he had no choice but to come here. If it wasn't for that, he would definitely not have chosen to come! He just wanted to get to B Country as soon as possible, to be closer to his mom.

"Ian! Rita! My brother said he'll take us to B Country!" Makayla excitedly ran up to the two kids, joyfully exclaiming, "We'll be able to find Violette soon!"

B Country.

Capital Airport.

Violette was escorted out of the airport by two men in black and into a black Buick. Mike snapped a picture of the car's license plate from afar, they were unable to make a move yet since Adrian was still in danger. The black Buick quickly vanished from sight, and Mike noticed a ton of messages popping up on his phone from Joey. He quickly dialed Joey's number, who picked up right away, "My boss took Makayla and the two kids on a private jet to B Country."

Mike raised an eyebrow, rubbing his temple, "One would think they were off on a holiday if they didn't know better!"

"Can you quit with the sarcasm? What did you guys do last night? Violette left my boss alone at the airport!" Joey grumbled, "I just don't get it, how can a great guy like my boss fall for someone like Violette."

"Watch your mouth! Why are you bashing Violette?!" Mike snapped back, "Adrian is in trouble because of her, and she's already having a hard time. We're in B Country, not A Country. Elijah can't just do whatever he wants here! Are you suggesting we should just bring him here to die?!"

Joey gasped, "Die?! Is it really that serious?"

"Someone sent her a bloody finger! Adrian's finger!" Mike hadn't mentioned this when they were in A Country, worried that Elijah would stop Violette if he knew.

Joey exclaimed, "Holy crap! What did Adrian do?!"


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