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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 55

The cold wind blasted in, messing up her hair.

It also helped to calm her down quite a bit.

He just said that he didn't necessarily want to be with her.

Maybe, just maybe, if she insisted on the divorce, he might agree one day...

Thinking this, a sense of solace seeped into her anxious heart.

Once home, Lacey and the driver helped Elijah out of the car.

Seeing that he was taken care of, Violette silently retreated to her room.

Not long after, Lacey knocked on her door: "Mrs. Bourne, the boss won't let us touch him. Could you come and help him? Just clean his face and change him into his pajamas."

Clean his face and change his pajamas?

If he was in a vegetative state right now, she would undoubtedly take care of him without hesitation.

But he wasn't!

Yes, he was drunk, but he didn't pass out.

She still remembered the fight they had in the car on the way back.

"Why don't we just let him sleep it off?" Violette suggested, "When he wakes up tomorrow morning, he'll naturally go take a shower and change his clothes. We don't have to bother."

Lacey looked at her in shock: "Mrs. Bourne, how could we do that? Please come with me and give it a try! Maybe if you're the one to change his clothes, he won't resist as much."

Upstairs, in the bedroom.

The door was wide open.

Elijah was lying on the bed, quiet as if he had fallen asleep.

Lacey nudged Violette towards the bed.

"Mre. Bourne, the boss is drunk. He might get up a lot during the night, and he might vomit. So, it would be best if someone was there to take care of him." By the time Lacey had finished, Violette already knew what she was getting at.

Just as she was about to refuse, Lacey continued, "His leg is at a critical recovery stage. The doctor says he can't get injured now, or it will affect his later rehabilitation. So, why don't you sleep with him tonight?"

Violette frowned.

The refusal she was about to voice was gradually swallowed back down.

Both emotionally and logically, she couldn't refuse.


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