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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 553

Her voice choked with tears as she said, "I want to leave the hospital."

He didn't dare upset her, so he turned around to find the doctor.

"Ms. Dennis, if you insist on leaving the hospital, we won't stop you, but you need to have a check-up first. If the results are okay, I'll handle your discharge straight away."

Before long, a series of checks were done, and the doctor sorted out her discharge.

Once home, she locked herself in her room. Before leaving the hospital, she had an ultrasound which showed her baby was two weeks smaller than it should be. This meant that her baby had stopped growing since she arrived in B Country, which was a terrible sign.

The doctor suggested she terminate the pregnancy, but she couldn't accept this.

"Maybe we should get her to see a shrink," Mike suggested to Elijah in the living room. "The doc said her depression isn't just about the baby. I think he's spot on. What she went through with Silver King could wreck anyone's mind."

Elijah, looking towards her room, said, "We should give her some time. I believe she can pull through."

"Okay. What about the baby in her belly..."

"If she wants to keep it, then she should."

Mike frowned and said, "But what if the baby has health problems after it's born? What if the baby is mentally challenged..."

Elijah turned to Mike, his eyes red, "Even if the baby is mentally challenged, so what?"

Mike pursed his lips, not saying any more. Suddenly, the door opened, and Violette came out of her room. Their eyes both landed on her face.


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