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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Howling

The horse-head man's two knives were stuck on the ground.

If Gabriel continued to move forward, he would be cut by them.

But at this moment, Gabriel was still dizzy due to the smoke.

It was completely impossible for him to make any effective counter-attack.

Seeing that he was about to be hit by the knives, he had no other choice but to bite his lips.

With such force, his mouth bled.

The pain and blood finally made him sober.

He immediately regained some consciousness. His arms shook, and his body stood upright.

He exerted force with his left foot, and the chain became straightened, making it difficult to pull him away.

Seeing this, the horse-head man pulled out his two knives from the ground.

In a strange posture, he slashed crosswise.

The sharp double knives aroused terrifying energy.

"Damn it!"

After adjusting to the pain, the dizziness in his head came over again.

Gabriel shook his head and stomped back with his left foot against the dizziness.

But he didn't pull it through.

The other end was pulled by the horse-head man, and the chain was still stretched straight.

As a result, his body was unable to dodge over a large distance.

He had to block the horse-head man's two knives head-on.


Gabriel was about to catch the knives with his bare hands.


The voice of the King of Wheels came from behind.

He murmured some desperate words and slowly turned his head.

"Go to hell!"

In the misty white mist, only the flying red robe of the King of Wheels could be seen.

Suddenly, countless fists rushed out from the robe.

There was a white blade in front and a shadow of a fist behind.

Gabriel was so dizzy at the moment that he lost his sense of direction.

"Will I die today?"

Gabriel tried his best to calm his breathing, trying to regain some consciousness.

But the feeling of dizziness was so strong that there was no time to react.

In this case, he simply gathered his strength.

He was ready to resist it with his bare body.

He knew that he would be seriously injured.

But it was absolutely impossible to kill him.

He has this confidence.

Just when Gabriel was about to be hit.

Suddenly, a figure swooped past in the mist.

The man was extremely fast. He picked up Gabriel and soon disappeared.

The knives missed his target.

So did the King of Wheels' random punches.

"Damn it!"

The King of Wheels waved his robe angrily.

Just when he was about to succeed, Gabriel was rescued under the shadow of his fist.

Whoever was able to do this must be someone.

On the other side, Blind John ran wildly with Gabriel in his arms.

In a flash, he ran back to his room.

A wet towel was tied to his face to protect his mouth and nose.

Panting heavily, he put Gabriel down.

In the room, Zoe, Christopher, and Stella were all covering their mouths and noses with various kinds of cloths.

"I'm so dizzy. The smoke is poisonous. John, take Zoe and the others away quickly. I'll find a way to stall those people!"

Gabriel kept shaking his head, but it was still spinning.

He didn't know what kind of poison this was, but it was so powerful.


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