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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 A Call From Her Sister

About three minutes later.

The sound of fighting outside the room stopped abruptly.

What could only be heard was the sound of someone's footsteps, heading towards the kitchen crisply.

After a while, the sound of the range hood was heard.

The smoke in the room immediately drifted towards the kitchen.

"It's done. The King of Wheels and the half-human creatures were all taken care of by Gabriel. It's awesome! It's awesome!"

Blind John smiled relaxedly, holding the empty gourd and shaking his head again.

This gourd wine was not easy to brew.

Well, he had to hunt snakes again.

Stella, who had been shaking, slowly calmed down.

At first, she really those monsters were from hell who wanted to capture her soul.

It turned out that they were just people pretending.

But while she was calming down, the scene after Gabriel finished drinking appeared in her mind again.

Elegant, gentlemanly, with a melancholy temperament.

For years, this was the only heart-beating moment for her.

She didn't understand how one person could exude two completely different temperaments.

Could it be that Gabriel has a split personality?

Just as she was thinking about it, Gabriel walked in with his upper body straight.

His shirt was just shattered by the King of Wheels, and his perfect bronze skin and strong body made Stella blush again.

Gabriel's eyes were melancholy but also extremely gentle. He said softly, "To avoid unnecessary trouble, I killed all three of them. I will ask Leon to dispose of the bodies later. The effect of the wine is weakening, and I have to go to sleep for a while."

After saying that, he smiled at Zoe again.

"Gabriel, don't worry!"

Zoe nodded, her eyes bright.

Gabriel felt relieved and said to Blind John, "John, thank you!"

"Save that, man. The girl had just warmed the bed for you. Go and sleep!"

Blind John took off the wet towel on his face and seemed to be moping.

Gabriel yawned and scratched the back of his head.

He was really sleepy, so he walked to his room.

Just as he was about to enter the room, Stella, who was left out, couldn't help shouting, "Wait a minute. Don't you have anything to say to me?"

As soon as she said this, she regretted it.

It made her seem too desperate.

Gabriel stopped but didn't look back.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "You and I meet by chance, and it is fate. As I said, if you are willing to believe me, I will wait for you to shout out the words 'Gabriel, take me away'. At that time, no matter what you face, I will do my best to lead you to freedom!"

Stella's heart trembled.

Although Gabriel had said almost the same thing to her not long ago.

But at that time, she didn't feel anything.

At this moment, the shock in her heart was beyond words.

It seemed that she had really found direction and light.

Also, belonging!

Gabriel fell asleep very quickly, lying on the bed.

There was even a slight sound of snoring.

Blind John and Christopher began to clean up the messed-up room.

When Zoe passed by Stella, she stopped and turned around and said, "Meeting Gabriel is the greatest blessing in your life. Your nightmare life is about to end!"

Stella was in a trance for a while.

Somewhat unbelievable.

Why did a teenage girl give her such unfathomable feelings?

In short, many previous perceptions would change from today on.

Three corpses lay there peacefully.

If one didn't look carefully, he couldn't see the scars.

Blind John kept saying how good Gabriel was.

These three people were all very powerful.

Whoever killed them so easily and so strangely was admirable.

Blind John couldn't help but be curious and took off the masks of the half-human creatures.

They were all people, real people.

As for the King of Wheels, he was indeed two meters tall and a burly man.

"How did such a big coffin come up?"

Christopher stared at the dark coffin while cleaning up the room.


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