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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 211

"Damn it, he dodged my sniper shot!"

A white-haired foreign man in a hat cursed and quickly stowed his sniper rifle.

The target was too formidable; he had to withdraw for now.

Carrying a case with his concealed weapon, he left the rooftop and descended the staircase in the middle unit.

But as he reached the fourth floor, he unexpectedly ran into Gabriel.


Gabriel waved with a smile, finally catching this troublesome fellow.

"How did you know I would come this way?"

The white-haired man asked in French, surprised.

This abandoned building had three staircases leading to the rooftop.

Yet, he had the unfortunate luck to be discovered in a one-third chance encounter.

"I don't like to waste words on a dying man."

Gabriel understood and replied in French. This was a remnant of his memories from before.

His expression was cold as he descended the stairs.

Originally, he had intended to wait on the ground floor, so it wouldn't matter which staircase the sniper used. However, his keen hearing led him to lie flat at the entrances of the three staircases, and he heard enough to confirm that the sniper was using the one in the middle.

So, he decided to create a "romantic encounter".

"Go to hell!"

The white-haired man took two steps back, his eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent.

Quickly, he pulled out a gun from his back and fired repeatedly at Gabriel.


Cursing loudly, Gabriel nimbly maneuvered in the narrow staircase, dodging bullets and leaping off the handrail.

In just a couple of steps, he caught up with the assassin.

His Heaven Blade transformed into an iron whip, swiftly coiling around the white-haired man's left ankle.

With a strong pull, he yanked the man down.

The assassin's buttocks bounced down the stairs and came to a halt in front of Gabriel.

"Trying to run?"

Gabriel sneered, manipulating his device to turn the Heaven Blade into a short knife.

He forcefully thrust downward, piercing through the white-haired man's right forearm.


A pained cry escaped the white-haired man's lips, his face contorted in agony.

His handgun fell to the ground.

Gabriel picked up the gun, drew his Heaven Blade, and spoke coldly, "You guys are so weak. How dare you be assassins? How dare you come to kill me?"

He stomped heavily on the white-haired man's chest.

The force of this kick was great, causing the white-haired man to cough up a mouthful of blood.

Then, he used the gun barrel to strike the man's face, speaking once again with a cold tone, "If you want to live, answer my questions honestly. Who sent you?"

With blood oozing from his right arm, the white-haired man struggled and whimpered in pain, "You're quite skilled; we failed to confirm it was our mistake. But don't think it's over. Someone will come after you. Just wait and see!"

"You're not answering my question!"

In anger, Gabriel used the gunstock to ruthlessly strike the man's head several times, creating a bloody depression in his skull.

He couldn't stand nonsense.


At that moment, he suddenly noticed that the white-haired man's eyes had rolled back.

He was dead!

"Killed so easily?"

Gabriel was slightly surprised. He opened the man's mouth and immediately smelled an unusual odor.

It turned out the man hadn't died from the beating. He had hidden poison in his mouth, bitten it, and succumbed to its effects.

"Those guys might not have been top-notch, but they sure had grit. They'd rather bite the dust than spill the beans on who's pulling the strings behind them."

With a heavy sigh, Gabriel whipped out his newly acquired cellphone and dialed up Santos.

"Hey, Santos, we had a run-in with five foreign assassins just a bit ago. Don't worry, I handled them. Can you send someone over to clean up the scene? Also, I need you to dig up info on these folks."

"You tangled with foreign assassins?" Santos sounded taken aback. "Okay, I'll get our team on it right away. You're not injured, are you?"

Gabriel glanced at the bloody hole in his left hand and gave a rueful chuckle. "Just a minor flesh wound, no biggie. Thanks for the prompt response!"

After hanging up, he made his way downstairs.

The crash site where the Mercedes and the SUV had collided was now swarming with curious onlookers.

Timing was everything-police sirens wailed, and the officers arrived.

Seeing that, Gabriel decided to make his exit.


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