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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 212

At noon, the four of them sat in a cozy diner, each enjoying noodles.

After a brief respite, they accompanied Zoe to the exam center.

The afternoon session, which commenced at three, was all about mathematics-a subject that often plagued students with challenges.

The test was to end at five, but at half-past four, Zoe was the first to emerge, coming out of the test center!

Under the curious gazes of parents waiting outside, Zoe seemed to have an air of a star who had finished her performance.

A few mothers couldn't help themselves and inquired, "Hey, was the math test tough this year?"

Zoe offered an ambiguous reply, "Moderately challenging."

However, the conversation from the middle-aged ladies carried a hint of disdain as they whispered, "If she's out early, it's probably because she's not good at math. Can't answer the questions, I bet!"

Overhearing the whispers, Gabriel couldn't hold back his anger.

He shot a stern glance at the mothers, who seemed oblivious to Zoe's math prowess.

Throughout their senior year, he had never witnessed Zoe scoring below A in math!

"Zoe, how did it go?" Gabriel asked with a beaming smile.

"It should be a perfect score," Zoe responded casually.

She had never disclosed to anyone that she consistently scored perfectly in math in previous exams. Her humble facade included intentionally making a few mistakes to avoid showing off.

However, on the day of SAT, there was no need for such modesty!

"That's fantastic, Zoe! What do you feel like eating? Dinner is on me tonight!" Gabriel was thrilled.

This was the power of talent and self-assurance!

He threw a final irked look at the gossiping mothers before hailing a cab with his companions.

After safely escorting Zoe back to Stellar Estate, Gabriel had a few words with Blind John, ensuring he remained close to protect Zoe.

Then, he hopped in a cab to reach the Dark Night Club.

Meeting the woman from Gumoldur Clan of Ghostly Purgatory Hall was essential!

As the elevator doors slid open on the ninth floor, Gabriel was greeted by the radiant dome of Thomas's bald head.

"Boss, she's in the meeting room, having a conversation with Mr. Leon," Thomas respectfully informed him.

Gabriel teased, "Whoa, your shiny head nearly blinded me!" He patted Thomas's scalp and slipped into the office.

He waved to Thomas and whispered, "You go on ahead; I'll be there in a moment."

He had to apologize to Stella for the incident involving her car.

Thomas was astute and made himself scarce, never to pry into Gabriel or Stella's affairs.

Inside the office, Gabriel approached Stella, who was engrossed in her work.

Rubbing his head awkwardly, he began, "Stella, I hope you won't be too upset, but I've totaled your car."

"Totaled it?" Stella paused her work, gazing at Gabriel with wide-eyed surprise. "Aren't you on your way to drop Zoe off for her exam? How in the world did you wreck the car?"

Stella knew Gabriel was a skilled driver, so it was hard to fathom how he had managed to damage her car.

Gabriel chuckled, "It's quite the tale. Today, while I was taking Zoe to her exam, we ran into a bunch of ruthless killers in a SUV. We got into a brawl, and your car collided with theirs. Long story short, it's totaled."

"Killers?" Stella was flabbergasted and her eyes darted to Gabriel's left hand, now wrapped in bandages.

She had initially been indifferent, but suddenly, she was filled with concern. She rose from her chair and approached Gabriel, the click of her high heels sounding with each step. "Is your hand okay?"

"It's just a scratch, nothing to worry about," Gabriel reassured her, feeling relieved by her genuine concern. "I'll have Thomas buy you a new car later, and you can simply charge it to my account."

"You don't need to fret about the car; as long as you're safe." Stella let out a sigh of relief, still somewhat worried.

With Gabriel's current influence, she couldn't fathom why anyone would send assassins after him.

It seemed like he would always live life on the edge.

As his partner, she anticipated a lifetime of perpetual anxiety.


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