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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256 Random Thoughts 

"Who are you?" 

The man in black startled, immediately pulled out the gun from behind and aimed at Gabriel. 

The other hand pressed Priscilla to the ground. 

Priscilla was so embarrassed when her big eyes saw Gabriel. 

She was both touched and worried. 

The man in black had a gun. If he shot, Gabriel would be in danger. 

Gabriel, standing on the garbage heap, said indifferently, "Well, it is very reasonable for women  to bargain when buying things. 

I could tell you are an old bachelor and have not shopped with a girlfriend!" 

"Why can't you sell something with a price tag of sixty thousand dollars for fifty thousand dollars?" 

"Let me tell you, in my hometown of Silverwood, women buy things for half the price, and 30 thousand dollars is very good!" 

"Moreover, there should be friendship even if the deal doesn't pull off. You don't have to bully others when you can't sell it." 

"F*ck you! The man in black suddenly lost patience and pulled the trigger, "You babbling mouth!" 

Bang! The bullet was shot over. 

At that time, Gabriel fixed his eyes. 

His body dodged like a ghost and avoided the bullet. 

The next moment, he approached the man in black before the man could know it. 

The man in black got scared and was shocked that someone could dodge a bullet. 

In a panic, his right hand shook and he fired again. 


The gunshots rang! 

But this time, Gabriel evaded it again."I told you to shoot me!" 

Gabriel was extremely angry and punched the man in black. 

A fist the size of a beanbag hit the forehead of the man in black. 

The fist was small, but it released a thousand pounds of impact. 

The terrible impact made the man in black's head deform, and he was also knocked out. 

The man in black's head turned blank. 

The punch knocked him unconscious, and his pistol fell aside. 

"Ah!" Gabriel  sighed, feeling very dissatisfied with this punch. 

It seemed like his back was still hurting him, and he didn't knock the man in black's head off with one punch! 

Bad review! 

"Did you get the video? Is there really a video?" 

After dealing with the man in black, Gabriel crouched down. 

He pulled the handcuffs with both hands and broke them in the middle. 

He picked up Priscilla and subconsciously patted the dirt off her body. 

Buttocks, chest... 

While patting, he suddenly felt something wrong. 

He scratched his head and laughed, "Sorry, you do it yourself!" 

This time, he really didn't mean it. 

"Thank you. If not for you, today I..." Priscilla said. 

If Gabriel had not come, the consequences would have been unimaginable. 

Not to mention the video, her body would be ravaged by this animal. 

While feeling lucky, she felt that Gabriel was a real man. 

Although sometimes he sounded ridiculous, he was actually really reliable. 

His dodging bullets made her feel incredible, even adoring. 

Beating up the man in black was very manly. 

Growing up, she rarely approved of a man. 

She had only known Gabriel for a few days, and she was already having a sense of worship, which was really unique. 

Recovering a little, she looked at her wrinkled clothes and the dirt on them, frowning. 

It was so dirty, making her feel bad. 

This was the suffering of the neat freak. 

"You're welcome!" Gabriel waved his hand, "I thought you would come with your colleagues. You are really brave enough, actually coming alone!" 

"Although it is important to avenge your brother, you must also protect yourself. 

If you get hurt because of this revenge, I think your brother will not be happy!" 

Although Priscilla was a police officer, she was also a simple woman. 


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