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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257 Breaking

After a moment of wild thought, Priscilla also chased after the man in black.

Although Gabriel was very powerful, she was afraid that something bad could happen.

Also, she was worried that Gabriel would hit the other party too hard and violate the law.

Even when chasing criminals, there must be a certain standard.

At all times, they must take the law as the criterion!

She had just rushed over a few steps when she saw that Gabriel had already returned.

On Gabriel's right hand, there were bloodstains all over.

She felt a thump in her heart and asked, "Where's the man in black?"

Her worry came true. Gabriel did hurt him.

It was really strange. How could he make him bleed with bare hands?

Gabriel shook the bloodstain on his right hand and squinted with a casual smile, saying, "I killed him, he's just a scumbag. If I save him, he'll still harm others!"

He immediately saw that the man in black was a drug addict.

This type of person was a factor of social instability.

His brute behavior towards Priscilla just now couldn't be overstated, and killing him was a help to the people.

"Why did you want to kill him?"

Suddenly, Priscilla burst into a loud roar.

The loud voice startled Gabriel.

Priscilla's expression was painful, and she grabbed her hair in a tangled way. She continued to shout, "If you kill someone, you become a murderer. No matter who you kill, you can't wash off your identity as a murderer!"

"I'm a police officer. You kill in front of me, and what do you want me to do?"

She was in immense pain!

After days of contact, she knew that Gabriel was a good person.

At the very least, his heart was not evil.

Today, she was saved by Gabriel, and in addition to gratitude, she even had some admiration.

But now, Gabriel killed in front of her, destroying the justice she upheld in her heart and leaving her at a loss.

No matter how bad the bad person was, the trial was a matter of the court and the state.

No one had the right to deprive others of their lives, even if the other person was an unforgivable villain.

Gabriel narrowed her eyes, and her face became solemn.

At this moment, he was very unhappy.

In his opinion, Priscilla's words were simply ridiculous to the extreme.

Moreover, there was a chilling sensation of unrequited help.

He coldly said, "Put away your ridiculous view of justice. I don't need your scolding, let alone your education. If I let him go today. I can be 100% certain that innocent people will suffer because of him within three days!"

"I will never be soft on bad people or villains!"

"I will definitely kill whoever I consider evil. Those who have died in my hands in the past few months cannot be counted with both of my hands!"

"But I've never felt like I've done anything wrong because every person I kill is a bad person, and I never touch an ordinary person who obeys the law!"

"You can catch him, and why must you kill him? " Priscilla still didn't understand Gabriel's behavior. She exclaimed, "If you kill someone, you are also a murderer. This is a lifelong stain that cannot be washed away, and you must accept legal sanctions. Don't you understand?"

The beautiful image established by Gabriel in her heart completely collapsed.

She just realized that it seemed that she and Gabriel were not from the same world at all.

Gabriel was speechless, angry and annoyed, "The law is a big criterion, not applicable to the entire society. Some dark corners require dark means and rules to maintain them!"

"Just like the video you have in your hand. I can tell you very clearly that you cannot convict Kevin at all because, at a certain level, the conviction between crime and innocence does not lie in the law but in the powers behind it!"

"You're just a small policeman, and you can not bring down Kevin. This is the reality!"

"And there are people like me, who only apply the rules of the underworld, and the laws of reality don't bind me!"

"There is only one rule in the underworld. The winner takes all!"

"That's the only reason the man in black died, and it has nothing to do with the law!"

Although Priscilla's starting point could not be said to be wrong.

But some things were disgustingly stupid when they were rigidly handled.

"That's a fallacy!" Priscilla held the mobile phone and vowed: "With this video, I will definitely be able to bring Kevin to justice. Dragon Kingdom is a society under the rule of law, and no one can be above the law!"


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