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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Pretend

In the ICU, Jason, wearing an oxygen mask, was vomiting blood profusely.

Blood soaked through the oxygen mask, flowing down from his neck, staining the pillow and sheets red.

And next to him, the ECG monitor emitted a piercing sound.

Several erratic lines on the monitor began to become chaotic.

"Quickly, send to the resuscitation room!"

The attending doctor, after a cursory check, hastily said.

Though he said this, he knew Jason was incurable, certain to die.

"Dad... Dad!"

Matilda, holding her father's hand, called out in pain.

Strong as she was, hot tears rolled down from her eyes at this moment.

Her father was her only support and she couldn't lose him.

If her father died, she would be utterly without a home, a wandering orphan in the world.

Just as the medical staff were about to wheel Jason out, Gabriel suddenly halted the bed, saying, "Wait a minute!"

This action infuriated Matilda, driving her into complete hysteria.

She furiously roared, "Gabriel, you beast, get out of here! If you delay my father's treatment, I swear I will crush you to dust!"

Even though she didn't understand medicine, she knew that every second now was critical for her father's life.

Gabriel stopping her father at this moment was tantamount to murder.

"Shut up and watch!"

Given Jason's critical condition, Gabriel payed no attention to anything else and dashed forward.

He placed his left hand on Jason's pulse and flicked his right hand, sending several long needles out.

"You..." Gabriel's action completely enraged Matilda.

She pulled her Butterfly Knife from her hair and stabbed it fiercely at Gabriel.

Just as it was about to hit him, Gabriel remained motionless and calmly said, "Your father's condition is very critical and I'm saving him!"

Matilda's hand finally stopped in mid-air, unable to advance further.

Her right hand trembled, inexplicably overlapping Gabriel's figure with that of another man.

Was it an illusion?

That man, too, appeared very thin.

Holding a needle in his right hand and taking a pulse with his left, once treating someone, he was as still and silent as ice.

She staggered, retreating a few steps in a daze.

Her entire mind went blank.

"Stop the bleeding!"

Gabriel's expression was grave after taking the pulse.

Jason's condition was worse than he imagined.

But, he could treat it.

Life, aging, sickness, and death are natural.

But he could extend Jason's life by two or three years.

With his right hand, he inserted exactly eighteen needles.

After the needles were inserted, Jason stopped vomiting blood, and the patterns on the ECG monitor gradually stabilized.

Dr. Smith, the chief physician, couldn't help but shake his head in amazement, exclaiming, "What a miraculous hand, indeed! Mr. Jason was half a step into hell, and he was pulled back!"

"The medical skills of this gentleman are truly astonishing! Such a skill of exquisite ancient medical acupuncture, achieving this extent, truly impresses me!"

Matilda's blank mind slowly began to process sounds.

She was stunned when she heard Dr. Smith praising Gabriel.

Gabriel saved her father. Did her father get through the crisis?

Regarding this, she felt bewildered and somewhat incredulous.

Gabriel ignored Director Smith's praise and turned to Matilda, saying, "You are so conceited that it's annoying! If it weren't for me just now, I can assure you, even a deity couldn't have saved your father!"

"However, your father is still in great danger, and if he doesn't receive effective treatment within three days, he will still die!"


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