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Awakening the War God novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Negotiating with Matilda

In a hospital office, empty and spacious, Gabriel and Matilda sat facing each other.

Matilda, looking haggard and in low spirits, unconsciously took out her imported cigarettes.

With her red lips holding a cigarette, about to light it, she suddenly realized something and offered one to Gabriel.

"No need, I don't like smoking your cigarettes!"

Gabriel took out his own Monkey King cigarettes and a plastic lighter.

After lighting the cigarette, he took a pleasurable puff, clearly enjoying it.

He laughed, "When will you so-called nobles change your prejudices? Honestly, I am wealthier than you, so it's not that I can't afford your cigarettes. I just find it unnecessary. People often need to be down-to-earth!"

Matilda was stunned for a moment, but then smiled faintly.

This was the first time she smiled in many days.

With disheveled hair, haggard look, lazy red lips, and a slight dimple, her smile was like poison, captivating.

Seeing Gabriel's cigarettes on the table, she suddenly stood up, leaned over, and took one of his Monkey King cigarettes.

Then she sat down, lighting the cigarette with her golden lighter.

She took a deep drag, closing her eyes, and lifting her neck like a goose!

Indeed, this cigarette had a unique taste.

Gabriel laughed, "I brought only two packs to Gumoldur City. These cigarettes are hard to find in big city. Just smoke one, and don't even think about a second one. I won't give it to you!"

Saying this, he put away the cigarettes.

Matilda slowly turned her head back, smiling gently.

She felt much more relaxed, and said with a smile, "Actually, you're quite interesting. I wanted to get to know you when I first saw you, but sometimes, you're quite despicable, which is annoying!"

Strangely, after being tired for several days, sitting here with Gabriel today, she felt completely relaxed and comfortable.

This man indeed had a unique charm.

"My first impression of you was quite good, attractive, stylish, and with a good figure, mainly because you have a personality! But since you stabbed me, I've been fuming these days, constantly thinking about how to get revenge!" Gabriel said bluntly.

"You're really frank!" Matilda asked, "So, how do you plan to take your revenge?"

Gabriel replied: "Didn't you say you didn't want anyone to touch your body? My way of revenge is simple. That is to strip you of your clothes and touch you from top to bottom, inside and out!"

Hearing this, Matilda's face changed slightly.

She said somewhat angrily: "You are really annoying when you say things like that!"

Gabriel, however, said nonchalantly: "I'm just telling the truth, and that's exactly what I think!"

"I've never been one to pity and cherish women. You stab me and still expect me to be gentle with you. That's for sycophants, not for me!"

"The words from before weren't finished. My original plan was to touch you as intended and then kill you!"

He leaned forward, his eyes fierce.

In his cold eyes, there was an undisguised murderous intent.

Gabriel's words, more or less, took Matilda by surprise.

His frankness was a bit excessive.

She asked, "Since you want to kill me, why would you save my father?"

Gabriel's words just now should not be lies. Therefore, his actions today seemed somewhat unreasonable.

Gabriel, exhaling smoke, said: "I naturally have my own thoughts, enough of this nonsense, and let's talk about your father!"

The main reason he was talking amicably with Matilda was that he wanted to unite the forces of the Southern Heaven Association to deal with Vicky.


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