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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1025

Raeleigh had woken up by the time Santiago returned home. As she had overslept, she was a little anxious when she walked downstairs. She had to sit for an exam.

As she contemplated, she realized that she had not been doing anything in the past week.

"No worries, Jepherson will make the necessary arrangements," said Scarlette, who was standing by her side.

"Nah, it's okay," Raeleigh said. "I'll sit for the exam." She glanced at Scarlette. It annoyed her that Scarlette had been perpetually lacking in independence.

"Hey, Santiago, you' re back," Scarlette said. She stood up the instance she saw Santiago. Giving no reply, Santiago headed straight for the kitchen to grab some snacks. He acted as if he did not see Scarlette.

"Jepherson has always left some food for you," Scarlette said.

Raeleigh recollected that Jepherson had instructed that some food should be allocated for Santiago when she had her meal with Jepherson a moment ago. Scarlette was right.

While Santiago was eating, Jepherson walked downstairs. He did not say anything when he saw Santiago. The two siblings had been uncommunicative. It felt as though they interacted with each other through eye contact.

Jepherson could be seen adjusting his collar before walking towards Raeleigh. He lowered his head and kissed her. "I've got to go now," he said. "I have some matters to attend to. Santiago will send you to school. Good luck in your exam."

Raeleigh glanced at him. She did not bother responding. She knew there was no point whining then.

Jepherson had given his gesture of concern. Therefore, it would be inconsiderate of her if she were to whine.

Since Raeleigh was unresponsive, Scarlette chipped in, "Young Master, if Raeleigh is able to pass the exam, then what about me then?"

"What do you think?" Jepherson said indifferently. After a brief pause, he added, "I guess I'll stick with Raeleigh."

Not saying anything further, he turned around and walked out of the house. Then, he got in the car and left.

After eating and drinking to his heart's content, Santiago put the cutlery on the table.

"Let's go," Santiago said as he made his way out of the house. Raeleigh took her belongings and followed suit. Scarlette tagged along.

"What's it like sitting for the progress test?" Raeleigh asked while walking.

"No idea. I haven't sat for the test." Santiago had not put in much effort when he sat for the exam. He answered the questions haphazardly and then handed over the form and test paper.

On the other hand, Raeleigh had spent much time preparing. Santiago thought it was unnecessary.

As they reached the school, Santiago led them to the dormitory. They left the school and went for dinner soon after Raleigh tidied up her dorm and scanned through some information. It was late into the night by the time they finished their meal. They then went home. Since Raeleigh could not fall asleep, she chatted with Jepherson under the quilt.

Scarlette stared at Raeleigh and said, "Let's talk."

Raeleigh did not bother answering. Neither did Santiago. Every now and then, Cynthia would ask about him.

Santiago put his cell phone aside. He had been looking at it before nine o'clock. It was past nine o'clock then. He had fallen asleep.

Feeling bored, Scarlette looked at them. She did

not rest well.

While Scarlette was still sleeping soundly, Raeleigh woke up before six the next day. After freshening up, she went for breakfast. Santiago kept her company. At about seven o'clock, a teacher could be seen waiting for Raeleigh in the lecture hall. The teacher led her into one of the rooms. When she entered the room, she saw six or seven automotive designers. Someone handed Raeleigh the examination paper, informing her that she had to complete the design on her own. The theme was 'Youth'.


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