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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1026

Raeleigh accepted the certificate. As Jepherson picked up the design blueprint, he said, "This blueprint shall remain confidential. The company will invest in its production. I wish to reiterate that under no circumstances that this blueprint be leaked. Otherwise, you'll have to face the music."

Jepherson’s face darkened. His sudden change of mood took Raeleigh by surprise.

Everyone looked stone-faced. They were aware of the rules. If a vehicle' s design would enter production, then its blueprint shall not be leaked whatsoever. Whoever leaked it would have to pay for it.

The Richards family treated everyone well. Be that as it may, they would never forgive traitors and spies.

Everyone knew that if it weren't for their uncompromising stance on this issue, the Richards family would not have achieved its current status in society.

In other words, the Richards family would spare no expense to uncover the truth. They would go to great lengths to investigate a problem. No perpetrators would be let off the hook. Some would be booted out of the automotive design industry while others would have to pay a heavier price. Such was the power and influence of the Richards family.

As soon as he finished talking, Jepherson took Raeleigh's blueprint and left. The others watched as he made his way out of the room. When he was out of sight, everyone congratulated Raeleigh.



Raeleigh's head teacher was proud of her. Never had he expected that Raeleigh would be personally mentored by Jepherson. He was pleased and this would mean that Raeleigh would not move elsewhere. Instead, she would remain in his class.

After thanking the designers, Raeleigh left alongside her head teacher. They were chatting as they made their way back to the classroom. He told her that he had wished that she would remain in his class as she would be a beacon of hope for other students, who would subsequently look up to him as a discerning teacher and was able to recognise good talents.

Without hesitation, Raeleigh acceded to his request immediately.

Scarlette and Santiago could be seen waiting for her when they returned to the classroom. The moment Scarlette saw Raeleigh, she dashed towards her and asked, "Raeleigh, how was it? Did you pass?"

"Yes, I did," Raeleigh said smilingly.

Santiago flashed a smile. The news did not take him by surprise as Raeleigh was a designer par excellence.

"Raeleigh, you've got to tell the principal," said the head teacher. "He looks forward to hearing from you." After a brief pause, Raeleigh said, "Alright, I will."

"Off you go. I can't come along. I have a class now." The head teacher went into the classroom as soon as he finished talking. He announced this piece of news to everyone.

Accompanied by Santiago and Scarlette, Raeleigh made her way to the principal's office to tell him about her success. Delighted, he congratulated Raeleigh.

While they were leaving, Scarlette grabbed Raeleigh by the arm and asked, "Let's celebrate, shall we?"

Raeleigh looked at her and said, "Well, I wanted to tell Grandma about this."

She would surely be overjoyed.

Scarlette paused for a while and said, "If that's the case, then let's buy some food and celebrate at home then. What do you think?"

"Yeah, sure," said Raeleigh.

Santiago then drove them to a mall. Raeleigh trailed after them as they shopped to their heart's content. Raeleigh told them that she could not finish all the food. However, neither of them listened to her. They bought loads of food and drinks.

Since Raeleigh was not buying anything, she killed time browsing some books at the bookstore as she waited for them. Just as she took a seat, someone approached her.

Raeleigh raised her head. It was Zorion. "Hey, why are you here?" she said.

"I was window- shopping when I saw you from afar," he clarified. "You had a test. How was it?" Zorion was standing as he talked, while Raeleigh remained seated. Feeling uncomfortable, she then stood up.

"Yeah, I passed," Raeleigh said. Deanna walked up to them and said softly, "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Raeleigh replied smilingly.

Deanna remained quiet thereafter. She could be seen swaying behind Zorion. "You wanted to shop, didn't you?" Zorion said. "Go ahead then." "Alright then." She wanted to buy some wet wipes.

It did not bother her if she did not purchase them anyway as she just wanted to hang around in the mall.

She turned around and left. "Deanna's alone, is that okay with you?" Raeleigh asked.

Zorion clasped his hands behind his back as he turned around. "She has grown up," he said. "She needs to learn to be independent."

"Let's trail after her," Raeleigh said. She was worried about her safety. Before getting to know Zorion, it had never crossed her mind that the world was a hazardous place to live in. Danger could strike anytime and anywhere.

Even though Raeleigh had gone through numerous bad experiences in life, she had always shrugged them off as mere coincidences or some occasional bad luck. She used to presume that not all places were unsafe. However, she had changed her mind.

She then believed that trouble could strike anywhere and everywhere.

Raeleigh went ahead to trail after Deanna. Zorion followed suit. As they walked, Zorion asked, "What's the theme of the design?"

Raeleigh was taken aback. Jepherson's stern face came to her mind. "I'm afraid I can't say anything," she said. "The design will be put into production, so..."

"It sounds like it's going to be a hit in the market," Zorion said with a smile. Raeleigh glanced at him and said, "Well, let's hope it will take off."


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