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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1278

Before going to sleep, Jepherson sent a text to Jenna and told his mother about the incident.

After reading the message, Jenna couldn't sleep in peace and she started to complain to her husband.

"Is the same thing going to happen again? I thought she changed. I can't believe she is still the same."

Jenna said bitterly, helplessness painted across her face. She had done her best to appease her mother-in-law but she didn't expect this outcome at all.

Their children were adults. They should have the liberty to make their own choice. Why did their mother-in-law have to interfere?

Jenna couldn't understand her mother- in- law's ways. She wondered if she had ever changed anything about how she went about things in all those years.

Be that as it may, Marissa was Hansen's mother, and Hansen felt uncomfortable when he heard Jenna's complaint about her. No matter what kind of mother she was, she still cared for her children.

Hansen held his wife's hand. "She's only doing this out of kindness. She just thinks that Raeleigh isn't suited for Jepherson. She thinks that Stella is a better fit. That is all."

"She used to think that Deanna was the right match for him too. But she changed her mind right after she heard about the news that she got kidnapped. She was afraid that she was raped and worried that her reputation would be affected. That was why she stopped trying to get them together. In fact, all she wanted at the time was to draw a clear line to separate herself from the Whalen family. Although Hannah didn't say it directly, I could tell from the way she spoke over the phone. I think Grandma is quite tricky to deal with."

"Don't say that." Hansen doted on his wife very much. She was his most beloved person but he needed to protect his pride.

Alvin was nearby and he didn't want him to overhear their conversation either.

It was shameful for a man if he couldn't manage his family affairs well.

Hansen's face stiffened and Jenna rolled her eyes at him. His intimidating appearance was only superficial. He never dared to scold her.

Jenna stopped talking. Hansen then said, "At the very least, she is still your mother- in- law. It is unlike you to gossip about others behind their backs."

"How am I usually like?"

"Not like this," Hansen said with a faint smile. Jenna rolled her eyes at him again.

The couple chatted for a while more. Then Hansen said, "I am curious as well to know what mom thinks about this. If she's set on her decision, we would have no choice but to intervene. You know how Jepherson is too. He wouldn't give up without a fight. As for Raeleigh, I don't think she wants to stay with him. If she was willing to, she would have stayed even with my mom's intervention.

It wasn't entirely my mom's fault. Jepherson was partly to blame as well. Besides, his stubbornness was what cost him his relationship with Raeleigh. He would have to show his sincerity if he really wanted to save their relationship. He cannot treat Raeleigh unfairly."

"The audacity you have to say such things. If it were not for you telling Jerry that the child was still alive and that Fabian was hiding overseas, would any of this have happened?

"I told you a long time ago that we have to tell Jerry the truth, that his little sister is dead but you refused. This is all your fault."

The more Jenna thought about this, the angrier she got and she just couldn't help but blame her husband.

Hansen, on the other hand, was calm. He looked at his wife for a moment. "Let bygones be bygones. Why do you have to bring that up again? I was also trying my best at that time."

"It was your fault!"

Jenna glared at Hansen while he remained silent.

He held on tightly to Jenna's hand as he recalled the incident. "I was really desperate at the time, I thought that..."

She immediately calmed down when she saw how dejected her husband looked. She looked at him and said, "Alright, it was all in the past. Let's not bring it up again. It wasn't your fault either."

"... Mmm..."

After a good night's rest, Raeleigh was ready to head to work. It was not like she had a choice either; she still had to work even if she did not want to see Jepherson. Since she was an employee of the company, she might cause unnecessary trouble if she were to throw in the towel like this.

Raeleigh sat in the car as she mulled over the question of whether she should terminate her contract.

She wondered how much compensation she would have to pay to cancel it?

"I would like to terminate my contract. How much do I have to pay in compensation for breach of contract?" Raeleigh said this out loud without realizing it as she thought about it. Santiago took a glance at Raeleigh while he drove and said, "If you were to terminate your contract, based on your qualifications, it would cost at least a few hundred millions."

"Hundreds of millions?"

Raeleigh widened her eyes instantly, flabbergasted when she heard the figure.

Santiago continued to drive. "Moreover, considering the influence and power of the Richards family, they wouldn't allow you to call it quits as easily as that. If you insist, they could blacklist you and you will never be able to work in the industry again."

Raeleigh placed her hand on her forehead. "That is terrifying."


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