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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1279

Raeleigh spoke first when she saw Jepherson. "Mr. Richards."

"Come here for a moment. I have something to tell you." Jepherson casually looked at Santiago, then walked towards the entrance while Raeleigh remained where she was. Santiago walked up to him and asked, "What's there to talk about? I'm Raeleigh's boyfriend now. By the way, I'm the general manager of the Richards Group from today onwards. I've already told our father about it; talk to him if you have any questions. Raeleigh will be under my supervision from now on. In this company, save for me, no one is allowed to do anything to her. I hope you understand, play fair and know your boundaries between personal affairs and business."

"Is that how you speak to your brother?" Jepherson's eyes darkened, his expression as grim as his eyes. Santiago's mouth curved up slightly. He then looked at Stella and walked towards her. He raised his hand as he wanted to pinch her. Stella was so scared that she hid behind Jepherson and stayed behind him to avoid Santiago.

"Santiago, don't do that. You know I'm afraid of you," Stella whimpered as she hid behind Jepherson, causing Santiago to laugh out loud. "You're afraid because of your impure intentions. Otherwise, why are others fine with me?

"Santiago, you've always been like this since young, and you always bully me." Stella was terrified of Santiago but only she knew the real reason behind her fear of him.

Jepherson couldn't bear to watch this any longer. His expression darkened as he glared at Santiago. "Santiago, stop speaking nonsense."

Santiago laughed. ''I'm sure some would know whether I'm speaking nonsense or not."


Jepherson gritted his teeth. Santiago turned around and walked over to Raeleigh. He tugged at her before walking into the building together; Raeleigh never looking back as she did. She didn't want to know what was going on. With Santiago around, she felt assured. If it were not for him being around during this difficult period, she would probably feel hopeless about life.

After they entered the building, Raeleigh followed Santiago over to Lamarre, who was stunned when he saw them entering his office. He slammed his fist on the table and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Is she not welcomed here?"

"Who do you think you are? What are you doing here?" Lamarre had tried to mentor him before but he was chased away only after three days because he couldn't abide by any instructions and refused to listen to him. Since then, Lamarre had never seen him again. Even though they never met up again, they kept in touch. Santiago was an old friend.

He would give him presents every New Year -regardless of the size or value of the gift.

Among all that he gave, the most unique one was an inflatable doll that he gifted him during the Spring Festival. Lamarre had even called Santiago up and scolded him for it.

That was why he always scolded him whenever he saw him.

When they were out in public, the two pretended to be strangers but their actual relationship was one of a kind.

"Raeleigh has been having a rough time. The Old Madam is trying to cause trouble. I came here because I heard that you were feeling ill, so I wanted to personally visit you."

"Since when have I fallen sick?" Lamarre refused to talk about this but Santiago went straight to the point without any attempt to polish his words nor conceal his intention. However, Lamarre was obviously not ready to discuss it.

"Raeleigh told me. I came to have dinner with you. Do you have time?"

Santiago found a place to sit while Raeleigh stood at the door as though she was an outsider. Lamarre glanced at her and scolded, "Big mouth."

"It wasn't me," Raeleigh defended herself.

Lamarre paused. He glanced at Raeleigh and then looked at Santiago. "Come back with some coffee."

With that, Raeleigh turned around and left. Lamarre closed the door, walked to one side of the room, and sat down. "So??"

"You can't stay. You have to get treatment immediately." Santiago's face darkened, and his current expression looked worse than Jepherson's earlier.

Lamarre didn't respond. He was silent for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, Raeleigh opened the door and walked in.

Lamarre said immediately, "You didn't knock when you came in."


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