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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1405

At this time, there were a dozen of cars trying to intercept the ambulance that Jepherson and the rest were travelling in. However, Jepherson, too, was travelling in a convoy, but his convoy was constantly intercepted by the other cars. Every now and then, a loud bang could be heard outside, but Jepherson was unfazed. He sat in the ambulance reading the newspaper without even looking up once. He would occasionally smile at something he read. The rest of the occupants in the ambulance could not help but wonder how a young man like him could be so calm amid this road stunt.

As his calm was contagious, the fear that had once beset the rest in the ambulance gradually disappeared.

Outside of the ambulance, it was chaos. A couple of cars, part of Jepherson's convoy, were hit by the cars that was chasing the ambulance. The ones that remained at their wheels did their best to protect the ambulance.

As the ambulance turned onto another road, suddenly a bus appeared out of nowhere and sped towards them. However, it suddenly screeched to a stop in front of the ambulance.

The driver slammed on the breaks and immediately said, "We're blocked."

"Find a way to get through."

Jepherson said as he continued reading his newspaper. This was the first time Xanthus had seen anyone so calm and composed in the face of danger.

The driver tried to go around the bus but failed.

Suddenly, a group of people started climbing onto the ambulance. Traces of worry crept down the doctors' spines, but Xanthus's first instinct was to protect Stuart. He immediately took out a syringe and gave Stuart an injection.

Stuart stared at Jepherson without saying anything. He gradually fell asleep.

Jepherson continued to read the newspaper when suddenly, the ambulance door burst opened. Just then, two men dressed in black jumped into the ambulance, took out their guns and aimed it at Stuart.

Jepherson threw the newspaper at the two men, temporarily obstructing their view. At the same time, Jepherson got to his feet and kicked one of them and his shot missed. The other person managed to get rid of the newspaper from his face but his gun was soon snatched away by Jepherson. After that, Jepherson pressed him down on the ground, immobilizing him.

Jepherson was ruthless, but he had no intentions to kill. After that, he kicked those men out of the ambulance, before firing into the air the gun that was in his hands, emptying the bullets.

The doctors that were in the ambulance started to tremble with fear when they heard the gunshots. Their eyes widened as they stared at Jepherson. Once Jepherson was done, he wiped down the gun with a towel before tossing it out onto the ground.

The attackers were frightened down to the soles of their shoes when Jepherson glared at them. No one dared to approach him.

Suddenly, Jepherson's men appeared from all directions. Not long after, the two groups began to fight. The driver quickly closed the door while Jepherson resumed his seat. Then, the driver started car and they continued on with their journey.

After Jepherson took his seat, Xanthus looked at him and said, "I can't imagine what kind of life Raeleigh would be living if she followed you."

"I am not a villain, but because of my position, I have be on guard at all times.

It just like how a baby girl was kidnapped because her parents had offended someone.

I don't wish harm on anyone, but I have to be on guard of the harm that others might do to me.

Assuming that my child was in this ambulance, and those thugs earlier who somehow detest me and want to hurt my child. Hah, when hell freezes over, I'd say.

I'm not a sinner by any means but there's still a long road ahead of me. I do not condone evil, but evil has sucked me into this. If the vengeance is mine, then it shall be mine to repay. I have no choice.

Since I have to deal with them, I will do it my way. This is 'survival of the fittest', though I will not resort to killing them.


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