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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 1406

"I remember the year when my mom suggested to my dad that we should conceal our identities.

Both Santiago and I were there at the time. My father did not know whether to laugh or cry. He said that since we are already in this pugilistic world, then there's no turning back. Death was the only way out.

At that time, my mother felt disgusted and did not take his words seriously.

My dad gave us an example afterwards. It was as if we have a blank piece of paper in our hands. If we rubbed the piece of paper on a surface, it would most likely be stained and it would be hard to remove the stains from the paper.

In this world, either you choose to be weak or you choose to die, but you had no right to make a decision unless the fate of everyone is in your hands.

I have to make this decision in order to protect my family.

You can see for yourself. Do you think Stuart got injured because he was careless? Have you ever wondered why Raeleigh and Santiago frequently find themselves in harm's way? Everything is connected. There is no coincidence.

We must have the ability to protect ourselves. If we were to wait for the police to protect us, we would probably have ended up dead. Maybe only then, the police would show up —to collect my corpse."

"That's your reason for hiring so many people? To hurt others?" asked Xanthus.

"I'm sure you know my reasons, but you've never stared death in the face before, so you would never understand."

"You're right, I don't."

Xanthus briefly looked out the window and said, "You must feel rather constrained to have so many bodyguards protecting you all the time. It's no different than being locked up in cage. But then again, you wouldn't have to be in that position if you weren't a targeted individual."

"It's not that I'm a targeted individual, it's just that people are very unpredictable. Not everyone can replicate what the Richards family have achieved over the years. There's bound to be haters.

I mean, come on! Celebrities too, have bodyguards, let alone us."

Xanthus kept quiet. He realised that this was most likely the longest conversation he had ever had with Jepherson. He knew that if it wasn't because Raeleigh was his sister, Jepherson probably would not have talked to him.

Xanthus recalled the first time he bumped into Jepherson at the university. His first impression was that Jepherson had a strong and standoff-ish personality. He seemed quiet and preferred to be left alone. He was completely different from how he was now.

When the ambulance finally pulled up at the hospital, Jepherson hurriedly got out of the ambulance before taking out a book and signing it. Stuart was then wheeled into the hospital.

Jepherson accompanied Stuart into the ward. It was not until Stuart regained consciousness that Jepherson finally had the chance to speak to him. After that, Jepherson gave his men a few orders before standing up and leaving.

In order to ensure their safety, all of the doctors, except for Xanthus, were all taken away in the car with their eyes blindfolded.

After they left, Jepherson took Xanthus to the airport and they hopped on the next plane home.

Raeleigh tried to call Jepherson several times but could not get through. In the end, she gave up. Then, she decided to call Xanthus to check where he was.

However, she could not get through to him either.

It was only when she returned to her room that she realised he had left a note, informing her that he had boarded the plane with Stuart and would be back in a few days.

Raeleigh did not expect that a few days would end up being a week.

"Why don't you come with me to the office later? I'm planning to check out the concept car."

Santiago woke Raeleigh up early the next morning. When Raeleigh heard that he was going to the office, she immediately agreed.

As soon as they stepped into the office, they saw a group of people murmuring in the corner while staring at a woman in a wheelchair. Apparently, this woman had been waiting for Jepherson for the past three days.

Raeleigh instantly knew that it was Stella, but what was she doing here?

Raeleigh was sure that some of the employees had seen Stella before, but why did they address her as "the woman in the wheelchair"?


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