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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 327

"Hansen, it's getting dark. Where are you going?" In the dining hall, Marissa was shocked to hear Hansen ordering a helicopter to be sent to the disaster area for a rescue mission. When she thought that he was going along with the helicopter to the earthquake-stricken area to rescue the victims, her heart instantly missed a beat.

It was not an easy feat for a helicopter to land after being in the air. Others might not understand, but she understood very well that there were demandingly strict conditions for a helicopter to land. With the area just experiencing an earthquake, it would be impossible for him to land without using a parachute. Even then, it was not guaranteed that he could touch down safely. In the unlikely event that he was not careful, his bones might get fractured, or even worse, get caught up with the wind... She dared not venture into this possibility.

She could not let her only son take such a risk. Anxiously, she turned towards Trevor and cried out, "Trevor, Hansen is going to the disaster area. You let him know that he only needs to donate more money. He should let the professionals do their job."

Marissa was panic- stricken, color draining from her face.

Trevor, of course, had overheard the order from Hansen. When he looked at Hansen with his deep eyes, the latter had already got on his electric car and hurried out.

After a moment of silence, he said to Marissa, "Don't worry. He knows what he's doing."

When he made it clear that he had no objection to it, Marissa hugged her head and cried.

Trevor stood up and looked at Hansen's car disappearing into the distance. His ears were filled with Marissa's heart- wrenching sobs, and his heart was extremely heavy.

Why would Hansen give out such an order all of a sudden? Did something happen?

Quickly, he walked into the living room, and soon, his eyes locked on the frozen image on the TV. He suddenly understood everything.

He rubbed his eyes and nodded after looking at it carefully again.

More than two hours later, the helicopter arrived at the town using satellite positioning.

As the helicopter slowly lowered, Hansen's heart sank with it.

This school was too small. It was impossible to land safely with a helicopter. He could only jump down there himself.

"Mr. Richards, let's get the ladder down and secure the rope to a safe place first. We can't use the parachutes." Alvin saw the sheet of grey ashes obscuring the ground. At this time, the only thing he could do was to further lower the helicopter and set down a thick rope down to save the victims.

Hansen nodded.

"Mr. Richards, you'd better not go down. It's too dangerous," Alvin said, concerned.

"Quit the cr*p. Hurry up and get ready." The fully- equipped Hansen looked angry, not allowing Alvin to question his decision. Alvin did not dare to speak again. As he ordered the essential items to be dropped off from the helicopter, he shouted at the people below with his loudspeaker.

Soon, the rope was released and the helicopter approached a hill. Hansen, Alvin, and almost ten members of the strictly trained special forces approached the ground using the rope.

The ground was covered in grey ash, collapsed buildings, piles of rubble, and the sound of crying and screaming deafened his ears.

Hansen landed on a hillside and glanced around in the darkness. It was after midnight, and there was still a distance between the collapsed school and where he stood. He immediately led Alvin and the others to the school.

When they got close, several bonfires were ablaze on the open ground, chasing the cold air away and illuminating the surrounding. What they saw was really shocking.

Only a few volunteers were there to rescue the students trapped under the rubble. There were even a few who were trapped so deep inside that they could not be seen and only their cries and shouts could be heard. The few who were buried even deeper inside might have lost their breath.

No matter who was crying or yelling, their voices had already become hoarse, and there was only sobbing left.

The situation was too dire.

"Alvin, save them first." Seeing the ghastly scene, Hansen could not care less about finding Jenna. He instructed his subordinates to focus on saving the students first.

The arduous rescue work that would last all night ensued.

One after another, children were rescued from the rubble and moved to an emergency tent nearby.

This primary school was a school of the villagers in the vicinity of Fisher Town, and the classrooms were already in ruins. Such an earthquake had almost destroyed the entire school.

Hansen took advantage of the downtime to take care of the injured children and survey his surroundings. Mountains were everywhere, and there was a small market in the middle of it. The school was located next to the small market. At present, there were some parents gathered in the ruined grounds of the school. However, they were all old, weak, sick, and disabled. They were all shouting their children's names, their voice laden with cries.

His eyes were searching for that familiar figure, but to his surprise, it was nowhere to be found. Did he get the wrong place?

Reaching for his mobile phone, he checked and confirmed that this was exactly the place.


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